The selection of optimal methods for the determining the nutritional status of soldiers




In our country and abroad in recent years as one of the main indicators of the status of nutrition, in addition to the body mass index, is the percentage of body fat, which can be determined by a fairly wide range of techniques. In the daily practice of a military doctor, there are often no complex and expensive devices to determine the fat component of the body, such as a widespread bioimpedance analysis of body composition. The article provides many options for determining the fat component of the body. It coliperometric facts technique (the technique of Durnin - Womersley, J. Matiegka in the modification of M. M. Dyakonov, Jackson - Pollock, Gallagher, and others) and circumferential techniques (methods, used in the naval and land forces of the United States of America, the methodology developed in the Y. M. C. A. and its modification). The results were compared with the results of bioimpedance analysis of body composition. To compare the accuracy of the coincidence of the results obtained by the methods used, the method of the mean square error of the model was used. Then the correlation analysis was carried out and regression models were built.The comparative analysis revealed the most informative methods of determining the fat component of the body, which are recommended to use in the practice of a military doctor at different levels of medical care for soldiers. Fat mass can be estimated by the percentage of fat in the body, determined using the caliper-Pollock method, in the presence of calliper- compass, or circumferential technique used in the naval forces of the United States of America.


G Smirnova

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


E Kravchenko

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


I Konovalova

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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