End-to-side neurorrhaphy: expectations and reality




An increasing number of injuries with damage of peripheral nerves, including a substantial number of injuries with extensive defects of large nerve trunks, requires improvement in approach to surgical treatment of patients. High-energy impact injuries in peacetime and wartime often lead to persistent violations of musculoskeletal apparatus, a significant part of which is due to injuries of peripheral nerves. During peacetime, various types of peripheral nerve injuries occur in 2-6% of trauma patients. In today’s armed conflicts, various types of peripheral nerve injuries occur in nearly 80% of neurosurgical patients and are mostly of combined injury. Improvements in surgical methods of recovery of lost innervation due to an injury are directly associated with the development of fundamental understanding of the nature of occurring degenerative and regenerative processes in damaged nerve fiber. Nerve suture is only the creation of appropriate conditions that contribute to regeneration of nerve fibers and recovery of lost functions. When extensive defects of nerve trunks exist, connection of distal part damaged nerve with side surface of the intact nerve is the alternative to traditional replacement of extensive defects with nerve grafts. Positive outcomes of such interventions that were seen during tests on laboratory animals led to trials of this method on patients and resulted in a number of positive outcomes as well. Despite the fact that the question of morphological substantiation of reinnervation processes of the distal portion of a damaged nerve is the cause of heated disputes among scientists, some surgeons make attempts to define a set of specific conditions needed to justify the use of end-to-side neurorrhaphy.


A Nisht

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

Email: nachmed82@mail.ru

N Fomin

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


V Chirsky

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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