Justification for the initial medical data for the development of an anthropomorphic test dummy




To protect against the adverse impact of shock acceleration, technical protection equipment is being developed, the effectiveness of which is verified during the tests. Special place among these tests belongs to physical analogue of human body- anthropomorphic testing dummy. The experiments with the participation of volunteers allowed to develop anthropometric, biomechanical and consumers requirements to anthropoid testing dummy, which are corresponded to small (5 percentile), medium (50 percentile) and big Russian servicemen (95 percentile). There were also established demands to body weight, stature - body height, sitting height, height of shoulders over the seat, chest circumference, mass of the main segments of anthropoid testing dummy (head and neck, upper, middle and lower parts of a trunk, shoulder, forearm, hand, leg, foot). An anthropoid testing dummy, modeling servicemen with small sizes, must have 58 kg weight, 165,6 cm body height, 86 cm sitting height and 88,8 cm chest circumference; a dummy, modeling middle servicemen, must have 68 kg weight, 173 cm body height, 92,2 cm sitting height and 98,5 cm chest circumference; a dummy, modeling big servicemen, must have 101,2 kg weight, 190 cm body height,96,5 cm sitting height and 101,2 cm chest circumference. During the experiments with the participation of volunteers, pliability of soft tissues of human, being in connection with restraint system, was studied. It allows modeling mechanical characteristics of anthropoid testing dummy’s torso and ensure adequate reaction to inertial load of a body. There are given demands to dynamical firmness of anthropoid testing dummy and to its qualities, ensuring peculiarities of its use during natural and semi-natural testing.


Yu Moiseyev

Научно-исследовательский испытательный центр (авиационно-космической медицины и военной эргономики)

Email: ybmn@rambler.ru

S Ryzhenkov

Научно-исследовательский испытательный центр (авиационно-космической медицины и военной эргономики)



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