Informative value of various methods used to study fungi in paranasal sinuses` noninvasive mycosis




The increase in the number of patients with persistent viral infection, as well as the use of antibacterial drugs, caused the increase in the population of patients with a high risk of developing fungal diseases. In the content of paranasal sinuses, a more than half of the patients with chronic sinusitis showed fungi or fungal-microbial associations. Despite the fact that the epidemiological data in the publications of modern national and foreign researchers on fungal rhinosinusitis are rather discrepant, it is quite decisive that the prevalence of fungal sinusitis has a significant tendency to grow, especially in the last decade. The informativeness of the microscopic, microbiological, and pathomorphological studies of the surgical material with the aim of fungal balls detection. The results contents of paranasal sinuses in 148 patients who had undergone endonasal endoscopic surgical intervention. Computer tomography the maxillary sinus in 113 patients, in the sphenoidal sinus in 25 patients, in the ethmoidal sinus in 7 patients, and in the frontal sinus in 3 patients. With microscopy of native material and preparations stained with white flour white, the presence of fungi is revealed 114 and 136 patients (77 and 91,9%) correspondingly. When sowing the contents of the sinuses onto elective media its cultivation under two temperature conditions (28 and 37оС) revealed growth of filamentous fungi in 26 (17,6%) patients. Histopathological examination confirmed the clinical diagnosis of a fungal ball in 128 (86,5%) patients. The most informative method for detecting the fungal body is the microscopy of preparations stained with white flour white.


V Mironov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


S Bannikov

Областной консультативно-диагностический центр


N Boiko

Ростовский государственный медицинский университет



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