The skin test with tuberculous recombinant allergen AT successful treated patients with lung tuberculosis




38 patients with newly diagnosed tuberculosis, immediately after the end of the main course of treatment, when they were transferred to the third group of dispensary supervision (6-9 months) and when they were removed from the dispensary supervision (2-3 years later), a skin test with an allergen tuberculous recombinant was made. The positive skin test with tuberculosis recombinant allergen was defined at 20 patients - 13 mm. At the moment of removing to the III group only one skin test with tuberculosis allergen recombinant became negative, 19 (94,5%) patients had positive reactions - 13±2,3 mm. At the time of discharging from dispensary the positive reactions were determined at 16 (80%) cases - 10±2,3 mm, p<0,05. In this group, 13 (65%) patients had normergic skin tests with tuberculosis allergen recombinant and 7 (35%) - hyperergic tests. At the time of removing to the III group at five from seven patients with hyperergic tests the results remained the same, median and at the moment of discharging from tuberculosis service only one patient had the hyperergic skin test with tuberculosis allergen recombinant - 18mm. Among patients with normergic skin tests with tuberculosis allergen recombinant at the time of group III removing median was 11±2,1 mm. At the last dynamic control the normergic results were determined at 15 (75%) patients and the tests median remained almost unchanged - 10±1,8 mm, the differences are reliable compared to the initial data (p<0,05). In group which included 18 patients with negative skin tests with tuberculous allergen recombinant, the skin response stayed negative throughout all examination period except for one patient so patients of this group had not only clinical, radiological and bacteriological, but immunological signs of involution of the tuberculosis process. The study of the influence of clinical, epidemic and social factors to skin reaction showed that first group patients were significantly more likely to be unemployed (30% versus 5,5%; p<0,05) whereas in second group married patients were reliably registered (61,1% versus 25%; p<0,05). Other factors differed unreliably.


G Balasanyants

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


N Skotnikova

Противотуберкулезный диспансер № 5

V Dantsev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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版权所有 © Balasanyants G.S., Skotnikova N.V., Dantsev V.V., 2018

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