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The article presents data from the archives on the history of the health resort-Sanatorium “Tarkhovsky” of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. The history of creation of the sanatorium from 1933 to the present time is reflected. A unique location of the sanatorium in the city of Sestroretsk, close to the Gulf of Finland and lake Sestroretsky Spill. The article deals with the healing effects of sea air, obtaining medical procedures for the rehabilitation of servicemen, pensioners of the Ministry of defense, civil personnel of the Ministry of defense and others. In 2018, the branch “Sanatorium «Tarhovsky»” part of the Sanatorium complex “Zapadny” will celebrate its anniversary - 85 years (4 figs, bibliography: 1 ref.).

About the authors

V I Yaremko

Sanatorium-resort complex «Western»

V L Cherkasova

Sanatorium-resort complex «Western»

A E Korovin

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry, Saint Petersburg


  1. Yaremko V. I., Nikitin E. A. To the 70th anniversary of the Priozersk military sanatorium. Сlin. Patofisiol. 2015; 2: 70-9
  2. Яремко В. И., Никитин Е. А. К 70-летию Приозерского военного санатория. Клин. патофизиол. 2015; 2: 70-9

Copyright (c) 2017 Yaremko V.I., Cherkasova V.L., Korovin A.E.

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