Pathohistological study of the ganglion plexuses of the sigmoid colon in patients with chronic slow-transit constipation

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The morphological study of the resected sections of the colon obtained at the S.P. Fedorov Department of Faculty Surgery of S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, as a result of surgical treatment of patients with severe chronic slow-transit constipation, included an assessment of the changes in the structures of ganglion plexuses. Three cases were considered (women, aged 37–40 years). Various degrees of pathological changes were detected in the ganglion plexuses (Auerbach and Meissner) of the sigmoid colon from patients with chronic slow-transit constipation using Nissl’s toluidine blue staining. In all cases, reactive, dystrophic, severe degenerative-necrotic changes of ganglion cells, as well as the details of their death, were described in detail. Along with pathological changes in nerve cells in the myenteric nerve plexus and gliosis, features of neuron–glial relationships were described, and the death of ganglion cells in the human colon with the active participation of specialized astrocyte-like glial cells was also established for the first time. In the third case, a pattern of pronounced dysplasia and dysgangliogenesis was revealed in the myenteric ganglion plexus of the sigmoid colon, and the presence of diffuse lymph–monocytic infiltrates was noted in the circular muscle layer. Pathological changes in the enteral nervous system in chronic slow-transit constipation reflect neuropathy, which can serve as the main cause of impaired intestinal functions and of some symptoms.

About the authors

Evgenii I. Chumasov

Institute of Experimental Medicine

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4859-6766
SPIN-code: 2569-9148

doctor of biological sciences, professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Pavel N. Romashchenko

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8918-1730
SPIN-code: 3850-1792

doctor of medical sciences, professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Nicolay A. Maistrenko

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1405-7660
SPIN-code: 2571-9603

doctor of medical sciences, professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Vadim B. Samedov

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4002-6913
SPIN-code: 1969-3264

graduate student

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Elena S. Petrova

Institute of Experimental Medicine

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0972-8658
SPIN-code: 3973-1421
Scopus Author ID: 7103035013

candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Dmitry E. Korzhevskii

Institute of Experimental Medicine

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2456-8165
SPIN-code: 3252-3029
Scopus Author ID: 12770589000

doctor of medical sciences, professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Fragments of the myenteric ganglion plexus in the sigmoid colon of patients with chronic slow-transit constipation: a — ganglion cells with signs of reactive and dystrophic changes (case 1); b — neurons with signs of destructive, degenerative changes, their partial death, and active gliosis (case 2); c — aganglionic plexus site (case 3). d — loss of neurons in the MNS ganglia in the intestinal wall of a patient with chronic slow-transit constipation (case 3). Arrows, glial islands; PNA, pycnotic nerve cell; VM, vacuolized macrophages; asterisks, single “shadow cells.” Coloration with toluidine blue according to Nissl; increase ×400

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3. Fig. 2. Nerve cells of various sizes and shapes in the ganglia of the Meissner nerve plexus (MNP) of the sigmoid colon of patients with chronic slow-transit constipation. a — reactively altered nerve cells on the longitudinal section of the MNP strand (1 case), b — single preserved nerve cells on the cross section of the ganglion plexus strand in dysplasia (2 cases); c — neurocytes in a dense environment of nerve fibers (1 case); d — microganglia in the submucosal nerve plexus of the intestinal wall. НK, nerve cells; asterisks, vacuolized astrocyte-like cells. Coloration with toluidine blue according to Nissl (a, b); immunohistochemical reaction to peripherin (c, d). Increase ×400 (a, b, c); ×1000 (d).

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Copyright (c) 2021 Chumasov E.I., Romashchenko P.N., Maistrenko N.A., Samedov V.B., Petrova E.S., Korzhevskii D.E.

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