Norm and human health

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The concept of «norms» is common to biology and medicine. It represents the essence of any phenomenon. In medicine, human health is expressed through the category of norm. The basis of the construction of the norm (normology) should be based on the principle of correspondence of morphofunctional properties of the organism to the environment, and not their nature. And then indicators that reflect the stability of a living non-equilibrium system or the state of an adapted organism will characterize (normal) human health. The norm is always stable, otherwise it will not be the norm. The science of human health developed through analysis — the decomposition of a complex whole into simple parts. In this case, the object disappeared as a whole, as a system with all its inherent features. The norm was derived from the fitness, balance of the body with the environment. Recently, it has become possible to consider a person as a system that is determined by the relationship of the whole and its parts (the golden ratio). In biology, the golden ratio manifests itself in many ways, from the structure of polypeptides to the human body. The study of a living organism as a system allowed us to establish the harmonic essence of its structure. The idea of the harmony of the world of systems is connected with the relations of "opposites" within the object. The "golden opposites" of healthy people are a kind of norm reference. What brings "opposites" to unity is harmony. Harmony is closely related to the golden ratio. Golden harmony is the basis of human health. Mathematical expression of harmony, symmetry — a method of assessing (norm) human health. Deviations from the "golden" relations can be used in medicine as indicators (criteria) for the diagnosis of pathological disorders.

About the authors

Yuri S. Malov

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation


doctor of medical sciences, professor

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Igor M. Borisov

Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

candidate of medical sciences

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg


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Copyright (c) 2021 Malov Y.S., Borisov I.M.

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