Sanitary-parasitological condition of the environmental objects of the Astrakhan region

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The sanitary and parasitological state of environmental objects of the Astrakhan region is analyzed. It was found that out of 689 samples taken and studied from various environmental objects, 114 (16,5%) did not meet sanitary and parasitological standards. The share of soil samples taken was 554 (80,4%), of which 107 (19,3%) did not meet sanitary and parasitological standards. In 83 (15%) cases, living larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis were found, in 12 (2,1%) — fertilized eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides, in 10 (1,8%) — eggs of Toxocara canis, in 1 (0,2%) sample mixed invasions were noted: fertilized eggs of Ascara canis of 126 (18,3%) washes from hard surfaces, 4 (8,6%) were unsatisfactory (in 7,35% of cases, fertilized eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides were found and in 1,25% — eggs of Enterobius vermicularis. Dead larvae of Anisakis simplex were found in 3 (0,4%) fish samples examined. All 6 (0,9%) river water samples complied with sanitary and parasitological standards. The presence of living strongilid larvae and toxocar eggs in the soil indicates its contamination with faeces of infected animals. The presence of people or about flooding or flooding of these objects sewer drains allows to assume existence of oosperms of ascarids in the soil about her pollution by excrements. The presence of eggs of ascarids and pinworms on various household surfaces indicates non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene of persons infected with ascarids and/or pinworms who use these household appliances. The presence of aniacid larvae in the internal organs of fish is not a contraindication for its sale to the population.

About the authors

Rudolf S. Arakelyuan

Astrakhan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7549-2925
SPIN-code: 9245-8543

candidate of medical sciences, associate professor

Russian Federation, 121 Bakinskaya str., Astrakhan, 414000

Khalil M. Galimzyanov

Astrakhan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6263-8814

doctor of medical sciences, professor

Russian Federation, 121 Bakinskaya str., Astrakhan, 414000

Anna E. Maslyaninova

Astrakhan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0908-950X

Председатель студенческого научного кружка по инфекционным и паразитарным болезням, студентка 6 курса педиатрического факультета

Russian Federation, 121 Bakinskaya str., Astrakhan, 414000

Tatyuna M. Deeva

Astrakhan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5474-0600

Заместитель председателя студенческого научного кружка по инфекционным и паразитарным болезням, студентка 6 курса лечебного факультета

Russian Federation, 121 Bakinskaya str., Astrakhan, 414000


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Copyright (c) 2021 Arakelyuan R.S., Galimzyanov K.M., Maslyaninova A.E., Deeva T.M.

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