The first military hospitals in Saint Petersburg

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Abstract. The documentary materials from the funds of the Russian State Archive of the Navy, other archives, published letters and documents of Peter the Great, his Daily Note and other sources about the history of the first military hospitals (infirmaries) of Saint Petersburg are studied. At the same time, the history of the first military hospitals is reflected against the background of the difficult events of the Northern War of 1700–1721, with which the establishment of hospitals for the Russian army and the navy and the development of military medicine are inextricably linked. The organization of military medicine became aggravated immediately with the outbreak of hostilities, with the first wounded and sick. The fight against the plague epidemic and other infections during the war, the shortage of doctors, healers, infirmaries, hospitals and their own national staff greatly complicated the provision of medical care. Numerous documents and facts prove that the events before 1715 can be attributed to the first stage in the development of military medicine in Saint Petersburg. It was established that in 1704 the issue of establishing a military land hospital in the northern capital was already discussed (Peter I, A.D. Menshikov, N.L. Bidloo); hospital), and the senior physician of the Navy Yang Govi served in it «with zeal» In 1713, by the decree of the Great Sovereign Y. Govi, he was appointed head of the Admiralty Hospital, doctors, apprentices and medical students in it. By that time, Dr. R. Erskine actually assumed the office of archiatrist (until 1712). A detailed statement of Lieutenant General R.V. Bruce on the number of sick and wounded who received medical care in hospitals and hospitals in Saint Petersburg from 1713 to 1715. The decree of Peter I on the construction of a complex of General hospitals with anatomical theaters on the Vyborgskaya side (1715) «according to Dr. Areskin’s drawing», and the establishment of a medical school (until 1719) are the next stage in the development of military medicine in Saint Petersburg, prepared by all previous events.

About the authors

N. V. Milasheva

State Hermitage

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

V. O. Samoilov

Military medical academy of S.M. Kirov

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Reporting of the senior physician of the navy Y. Govi to Admiral-General F.M. Apraksin about his service since 1706 at the "Main" Marine Hospital (Marine Hospital) in St. Petersburg. 1711 (RGAVMF)

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3. Fig. 2. Decree on the appointment of J. Govi to be in charge of the Admiralty hospital (infirmary), doctors and medical students at the hospital. April 10, 1713 (RGAVMF)

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Copyright (c) 2020 Milasheva N.V., Samoilov V.O.

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