Prospects for the development of inhalation drugs for the provision of pre-hospital assistance to affected by hazardous chemical substances

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Abstract. Pharmacological agents are analyzed, in respect of which it is advisable to develop dosage forms for inhalation use as medical means of protection at the prehospital stage of medical evacuation in case of damage by emergency-hazardous chemicals. It was found that the inhalation intake of hazardous chemicals, especially with a pronounced pulmonotoxic, irritating and generally poisonous effect, is highly likely to develop post-intoxication complications associated with damage to the lung parenchyma, and death. For the therapy of such intoxications, it is advisable to administrate drugs in a dosage form for inhalation administration, which have several advantages: high bioavailability, rapid onset of effect, and severity of local action in various parts of tracheobronchial tree. The data of experimental and clinical studies of the effectiveness of drugs belonging to various pharmacological groups allow us to recommend for the further development of inhaled forms of means of prevention and treatment of toxic pulmonary edema (fluticasone, roflumilast, rolipram). Bronchodilators and donors of sulfhydryl groups (ipratropium bromide, tiotropium bromide, atropine sulfate, fenoterol, salbutamol, formoterol, unitiol dimercaprol) are referred to means of correction of respiratory disorders of various etiologies. Diazepam, midazolam, clonazepam, lorazepam are considered to be the most likely anticonvulsants from the enzodiazepine-class suitable for inhalation. Acetylcysteine, hydroxycobalamin can be used to combat hypoxia. The principal possibility of inhalation application of bioscavengers (acetylcholinesterase, butyrylcholinesterase) for the treatment of cholinopositive symptoms of toxic genesis is shown. Existing methods and means of delivery allow the use of these drugs at the prehospital stage of medical evacuation as part of single dose metered powder inhalers.

About the authors

I. M. Ivanov

State scientific-research test Institute of military medicine of Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

A. S. Nikiforov

State scientific-research test Institute of military medicine of Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

M. A. Yudin

State scientific-research test Institute of military medicine of Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation; North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg; Saint Petersburg

A. M. Sventitskaya

State scientific-research test Institute of military medicine of Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

V. S. Pavlova

The Saint - Petersburg scientific reseach institute of vaccines and serums and the enterprise for the production of bacterial preparations

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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