Monitoring primary disability of former military personnel by applying to the bureau of medical and social expertise as a basis for choosing measures for the professional rehabilitation of disabled people: a regional aspect

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The factors of the formation of primary disability in the former military personnel in the Republic of Dagestan were studied according to the appeal to the bureau of medical and social expertise over 5 years (from 2014 to 2018). The article analyzes gender and age indicators, social affiliation, causes of disability, nosological diseases of military personnel that led to disability, severity by disability group and others. An analysis of the disability indicators of former military personnel in the Republic of Dagestan as a large subject of the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation is important for organizing measures to continue previous professional activities for persons with limited ability to work. The revealed complex of socio-hygienic and medical-social indicators made it possible to determine the directions of labor and social integration of persons with disabilities from among former military personnel in society. The social indicator established in more than half of disabled people, the place of residence in rural areas, made it possible to recommend self-employment in the agricultural areas of activity (animal husbandry, vegetable growing, fruit and berry processing), in the service sector, and small business, including those related to revival and development of national Dagestan crafts. The state program «Accessible Environment» (2011-2020-2025) emphasizes the need to take into account the regional characteristics of primary and general disability, the national specifics of the development of territories. In this regard, the results of medical and social analysis allow us to more accurately determine the direction of the organization of labor and social integration of persons with disabilities from among former military personnel in the Republic of Dagestan.

About the authors

A. A. Nurova

Federal state budgetary educational institution of additional professional education St. Petersburg Institute of advanced training of doctors-experts

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


Copyright (c) 2020 Nurova A.A.

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