Hypobaric hypoxic training as a rehabilitation method for patients who have suffered traumatic limb amputation

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The possibility of using hypobaric hypoxic training in patients who have undergone traumatic amputation of the upper and/or lower extremities during rehabilitation is verified. The study was participated by 32 men using prosthetic limbs in the clinics of the Military Medical Academy named after SM Kirov, who were previously examined by medical specialists. To assess the effectiveness of hypobaric hypoxic training, the functional state and performance of patients were used assessed using physiological and psychological methods. These methods were used before the hypobaric hypoxic training, immediately after it, and 10 days after the end of the training. The training course consisted of 10 sessions conducted daily using a modern pressure complex with a low-pressure pressure chamber “BKPD-5-1,” during which a stepwise “ascent” of 500 m was implemented out at each altitude, starting from 1500 to 3500 m and staying at the indicated altitude for 30 min. Positive dynamics of the results of the psychological techniques were revealed. The effectiveness of hypobaric hypoxic training in patients who have undergone traumatic amputation of the upper and/or lower extremities increased within 10 days after the course. Thus, physical health improved by 5% and the mental component by 4% after a course of hypobaric hypoxic training and by 13 and 7%, respectively, 10 days after the end of the training. Compared with baseline indicators, by the 10th session, personal anxiety decreased by 5% and after 10 days from the end of the course by 6.5%. Moreover, situational anxiety decreased sharply. By the 10th session, it decreased by 33% and after 10 days by 34% compared with baseline values. After hypobaric hypoxic training, patients only experienced mild anxiety regarding their physical abilities and adaptation in society. They began to perceive the situation with responsibility and personal interest. In addition, the functionality of the respiratory system and the body’s resistance to hypoxia increased. Compared with baseline indicators, the vital capacity of the lungs increased by 8% and the breath-holding time during inhalation by 11%. Thus, given the complex beneficial effects of hypobaric hypoxic training on the body, it should be included in the medical rehabilitation system to optimize the mental state and increase the functional capabilities of the respiratory system in patients who have undergone traumatic amputation of the upper and/or lower extremities.

About the authors

Andrey A. Blaginin

Kirov Military Medical Academy

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3820-5752
SPIN-code: 2747-0146

MD, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Dr. Sci. (Psy.), professor

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Sergey V. Budnikov

Kirov Military Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0008-7484-1036
SPIN-code: 9232-7493

senior lecturer

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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