Thoughts of N.I. Pirogov «About desirable transformations of the Medico-Surgical Academy»

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The great doctor, anatomist, surgeon, teacher, professor Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810-1881) glorified not only Russian medicine, but also Russia as a whole. The vast majority of scientific results were achieved by him during his work at the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy from December 1840 to July 1856. His discoveries and achievements relate primarily to anatomy and its topographic direction, surgery and its military field, the military medical «administration» - the organization of medical support for the army. Contemporaries N.I. Pirogov was noted for his high pedagogical abilities. 21 years after the death of N.I. Pirogov, his wife transferred part of the archive to Novorossiysk (now Odessa) University. Among the works was an article written in pencil, «On the desirable transformations of the Medical and Surgical Academy». Professor of Anatomy of the University N.A. Batuev published an article in the Russky Doktor newspaper in 1902, in which the idea that military doctors are educated in universities in European countries on the basis of medical faculties, which should be administratively independent of university leadership, was a common thread. Nikolai Ivanovich proposed at the initial stage of training to guide students through the general faculty of natural sciences. Further, his proposal was that the medical faculty should be divided into two departments: the first - for the training of civilian doctors, and the second - for those wishing to enlist in the military. Commonwealth with the University of N.I. Pirogov was seen as an opportunity to deepen and expand the knowledge acquired by students, especially natural sciences, in the initial period of study.

About the authors

B I Zholus

Главный центр государственного санитарно-эпидемиологического надзора (специального назначения) Министерства обороны Российской Федерации


I V Petreev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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