Activators hemorrhagic fevers and them epidemiology

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The current epidemiological characteristics of pathogens of especially dangerous infections abroad and in the Russian Federation are given. The biology of the causative agents of hemorrhagic fevers, as well as their species and subspecies, is especially reflected. The biology and epidemiology of the most common causative agents of hemorrhagic fevers are described in more detail: Dengue, Ebola, Marburg, Lassa, Machupo (Bolivian), Hanin (Argentinean) fever, Rift Valley fever, Omsk, Congo-Crimean, and renal fever their intermediate hosts - mosquitoes and ticks, the options for getting these pathogens into the human body. The most severe and widespread human infections, caused by alpha viruses and flaviviruses, the most severe epidemics in various countries are characterized. The modern systematics and immunopathogenesis of the causative agents of these infections, the features of virological and immunological diagnostics using both classical and modern techniques are presented. The new pathogens of hemorrhagic fevers, which have been fatal in recent years, are described. Given the current tense situation associated with the causative agents of hemorrhagic fevers, measures are proposed that are aimed at preventing the entry of pathogens into the Russian Federation, as well as the algorithm of actions of employees of medical institutions when patients with suspected infection associated with causative agents of especially dangerous infections are admitted.

About the authors

A V Moskalev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


B Yu Gumilevskiy

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


P V Astapenko

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


V Ya Apchel

Северо-Западный медицинский учебный центр последипломного образования


A I Solov’yev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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Copyright (c) 2020 Moskalev A.V., Gumilevskiy B.Y., Astapenko P.V., Apchel V.Y., Solov’yev A.I.

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