Prevalence and features of polymorbidity of servicemen of different age groups according to the results of their medical examination to determine the category of fitness for military service

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The prevalence of polymorbidity and its features in military personnel of various age groups was studied. It has been established that polymorbidity during medical examinations of military personnel occurs in all age groups, increasing with age. For each age group of military personnel, its characteristic polymorbidity models are formed. So, in the age group up to 35 years, polymorbidity occurs in one third of the examined and is characterized by both functional disorders of the circulatory system and digestive organs, and the presence of organic pathology of the circulatory system (congenital malformations (developmental defects), mitral and other valve prolapse), digestive organs (chronic gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease) and the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, dorsopathies). At the age of 35 to 45 years, polymorbidity occurs in93,5% of those examined and is characterized by the presence of a cardiac and gastroenteric component in all polymorbidity models, in 80% of the models - the musculoskeletal component, in 60% - the metabolic component, in 40% - the endocrine component. Polymorbidity occurs in 97,5% of those examined over the age of 46 years and is characterized by the presence in all models of polymorbidity of the cardiac, cerebrovascular and musculoskeletal component, in 75% of the models - the metabolic component, in 50% - the endocrine component.

About the authors

S V Voronin

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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