Problems of military medicine eyes Zinovy Petrovich Soloviev

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The main milestones in the life and work of the brilliant organizer of the state and military health care of the young Only Soviet Republic - Zinovy Petrovich Soloviev-are considered. A talented doctor-but still a civilian doctor, was able in the fire of fires and the incredible tension of the country to consider the main tasks for the creation and development of military medical service, to highlight them and to formulate brilliantly, including for future generations of military doctors. They are so marked with a distant sight and depth that in General are very relevant for the modern military medical school. Whatever the issues are not related to the inquiring thought of the first chief of the Main military-sanitary Directorate of the worker-Peasant Red Army and the Deputy of the people’s Commissariat of health of the RSFSR, she always found creative ways of their solution. This was not just about military health. Zinovy Petrovich Soloviev has done a lot for the development and improvement of The Russian Red Cross Society. The breadth of perception of care for the health of citizens of the country shows his constant care for the younger generation. He is the main and the main inspirer of the creation of the all-Union health resort for children-pioneer camp «Artek», which operates and develops in modern conditions and performs the tasks that were set by its founder. Soloviev Z.P. did a lot for the development and improvement of social hygiene as a science. His theoretical foundations and directions of scientific research in the field of social hygiene are still used in modern research scientists in this area. Zinoviy Petrovich Solovyov during his brief but eventful life has done much for the establishment and development of Soviet public health, and highlights its contribution to the restructuring, the formation and further development of military health of the country.

About the authors

A V Shpanka

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова


V P Koshelev

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова


I G Kornushko

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова



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