Clinical and epidemiological aspects of human toxocarosis in the Astrakhan region

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Analyzed the clinical and epidemiological aspects of human toxocariasis in the Astrakhan region. It was established that from 2013 to 2017 in its territory 34 cases of human toxocariasis were recorded. In the structure of the total number of helminthoses for the analyzed period, the share of toxocariasis accounted for 0,2% of cases and 0,2% of the total number of all parasitosis recorded in the Astrakhan region. Both adults and children were affected by toxocariasis. Thus, the share of the adult population was 82,4%, incl. persons employed in production (working population) - 67,6%, pensioners- 11,8% and unemployed - 2,9%. The proportion of children in the overall incidence of toxocarcosis was 17,6%, of which11,8% attended kindergartens and secondary school 2,9%. And in one case the child was unorganized - he was at home withhis parents - 2.9%. The main complaints of people seeking medical care were: cough - 23,5%, general weakness - 17,6%,pain in the epigastric region and temperature rise to subfebrile numbers - 11,8%, allergic rhinitis and muscle pain and joints- by 5,9%, as well as decreased appetite, allergic rashes on the skin of varying degrees of intensity, feeling of suffocation andweight loss - by 2,9%.When ascertaining the epidemiological history, it was found that the probable cause of the development of the diseasecould be: not following personal hygiene rules - 94,1%, eating unwashed fruits and vegetables - 88,2%, close contact withdomestic dogs - 52,9%, onigophagy - 20,6%, contact with domestic cats - 14,7%, geophagy and the habit of licking hands- 8,8% each, and contact with stray dogs - 5,9%. Personal hygiene rules were observed in 5,9% of patients. Generally, thecurrent situation on human toxocariasis in the Astrakhan region remains highly relevant. The main causes of the diseasewere close contact with both domestic and stray animals, as well as non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Thepresence of diseased antibody titers in the formulation of enzyme immunoassay 1:800 and above, as well as the presence ofa clinical picture of the disease, indicates the direct presence of parasitic invasion in the examined.

About the authors

R S Arakelyan

Астраханский государственный медицинский университет


E I Okunskaya

Детская городская поликлиника № 3


G L Shendo

Детская городская поликлиника № 3


V K Polyakov

Детская городская поликлиника № 3


A R Almukhambedova

Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Астраханской области


V A Ityaksova

Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Астраханской области


S R Saltereyev

Областное патологоанатомическое бюро г. Астрахани



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Copyright (c) 2019 Arakelyan R.S., Okunskaya E.I., Shendo G.L., Polyakov V.K., Almukhambedova A.R., Ityaksova V.A., Saltereyev S.R.

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