The incidence of alleles and genotypes of polymorphic genes leptin G(-2548) A, adiponectin G(276) T and receptor adiponectin A(+219) T in patients with psoriasis alimentary obesity

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Investigated prevalence of alleles and genotypes G(-2548)A (rs7799039) gene leptin and G(276)T (rs1501299) of the adiponectin and A(+219)T (rs11061971) adiponectin receptor 2 in patients with psoriasis with abdominal obesity. The frequency of the allele A of the promoter region of the G(-2548) A polypeptide leptin gene in 99/226 (43,8%) patients with a body mass index ≥30 kg / m2 was found to be higher than in69/228 (30,3% ) patients with a body mass index <30 kg/m2 (OR=1,8; 95% CI: 1,2-2,69; Se=0,44; Sp=0,7; p<0.05). In 54/226 (23,9%) patients with a body mass index ≥30 kg/m2, a higher incidence of the T allele of the G (276) T adiponectin gene was detected than in 79/228 (35%) patients with a body mass index <30 kg/m2 (OR=1,69; 95% CI: 1,12-2,54; Se=0,41; Sp=0,44; p <0,05). An analysis of the distribution of the genotypes of this polymorphism revealed an increase in the frequency of the AA genotype among patients suffering from psoriasis, with a body mass index of ≥30 kg/m2 in comparison with patients with psoriasis with a body mass index of <30 kg/m2 42/113 (37,2%) and 15/114 (13,2%), respectively (OR=3,9; 95% CI: 1,92-8,02; Se=0,74; Sp=0,58; p<0,05). The frequency of the A allele of the A (+219) T polymorphism of the adiponectin receptor gene was higher in 147/226 (65.1%) patients with a body mass index ≥30 kg/m2 than in 103/228 (45,2%) patients with a body mass index of <30 kg/m2 (OR=2,26; 95% CI: 1,55-3,3; Se=0,41; Sp=0,39; p <0,05). Thus, an association was found between the development of abdominal obesity in patients with psoriasis and the A allele of the G (-2548) A polymorphism of the leptin gene, the AA (+219) T allele of the adiponectin-2 receptor gene. Genetic testing of the studied polymorphic genes in patients with psoriasis at the onset of the disease will make it possible to predict the development of obesity, which must be considered when choosing the tactics of treating such patients.

About the authors

I V Rychkova

Клинический кожно-венерологический диспансер


O A Pritulo

Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского


K D Malyi

Крымский федеральный университет им. В.И. Вернадского



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Copyright (c) 2019 Rychkova I.V., Pritulo O.A., Malyi K.D.

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