Experience of organization of the first meeting of chief and senior medical nurses of the Airborne Forces.

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A brief report on the first training and methodological meeting of chief (senior) nurses of medical organizations and units of the Airborne Forces for the first time conducted in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The event was held in September 2018 in the city of Ivanovo based on the 36th separate medical unit (airmobile). Competent planning and organization of fees allowed to achieve their goals.

About the authors

P A Kalinin

ФГКУ «36 Отдельный медицинский отряд (аэромобильный) ВДВ» МО РФ

Email: kalinin_paul@bk.ru
гвардии капитан медицинской службы г. Иваново

T V Kovaleva

ФГКУ «35 Отдельный медицинский отряд (аэромобильный) ВДВ» МО РФ

гвардии старший сержант г. Псков


Copyright (c) 2019 Kalinin P.A., Kovaleva T.V.

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