Organizational aspects of medical rehabilitation of military personnel in sanatorium-resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense in modern conditions

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The current state of medical rehabilitation of servicemen at the sanatorium and health resort stage is outlined, the main issues of rehabilitation measures are shown. To increase the effectiveness of measures aimed at strengthening and preserving the health of military personnel, the order of their referral to medical rehabilitation in a sanatorium after completion of treatment in a day hospital (previously - only from military hospitals after inpatient treatment with a round-the-clock stay) was further defined. The further development of sanatorium-resort organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the 2nd stage of medical rehabilitation (somatic diseases, pathology of the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system) seems promising, which will require taking measures to form medical rehabilitation units, equip them with medical equipment, and train doctors.

About the authors

S V Dolgikh

military-medical management MO the Russian Federation

кандидат медицинских наук Moscow

A A Kirsanova

military-medical management MO the Russian Federation


A E Ostroukhov

military-medical management MO the Russian Federation


S V Didenko

Феодосийский военный санаторий Санаторно-курортного комплекса «Крымский» МО РФ

Республика Крым


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Copyright (c) 2019 Dolgikh S.V., Kirsanova A.A., Ostroukhov A.E., Didenko S.V.

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