Remembering Alexander Ivanovich Panyushkin: the first neurosurgeon at the Lenringad Road Hospital, successor of the neurosurgical school of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov

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This article focuses on the life and professional achievements of Alexander Ivanovich Panyushkin (1933–2022), who served as the first neurosurgeon at the Oktyabrskaya Railway Road Hospital and later became its chief physician from 1974 to 1999. Panyushkin obtained his neurosurgical specialization at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, studying under renowned academic neurosurgeons such as V.A. Shustin, V.A. Grebenyuk, and B.A. Samotokin. In the 1960s, Panyushkin studied under renowned academic neurosurgeons such as Associate Professor V.A. Shustin (a specialist in treating discogenic radiculitis), Professor V.A. Grebenyuk, and Professor B.A. Samotokin (head of the department) and other figures and doctors of the academy. The article highlights the establishment of the neurosurgical department of the Road Hospital, which served as the base of the Department of Neuro surgery of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov, as well as the close relationship between the hospital and the academy for many years. It also explores Panyushkin’s significant contributions to the diagnosis and surgical treatment of discogenic lumbosacral radiculomyeloishemia, as reflected in his well-known monographs. The article provides insights into Panyushkin’s remarkable career journey from a young surgeon to the head physician of a renowned spinal neurosurgical department in Leningrad. Under Panyushkin’s leadership, the hospital witnessed substantial development, including the construction and equipping of new buildings between 1976 and 1985, where the main capacities of the hospital are concentrated today. The authors draw on Panyushkin’s memoir to shed light on the history of the Road Hospital, its doctors from different generations, and the experiences of Soviet medicine during the 1960s to 1990s. The authors of this article constantly refer to the materials of this book, which may be useful to clinicians as well as those who are interested in the history of domestic medicine.

About the authors

Anastasia A. Vavilova

The All-Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine named after A.M. Nikiforov of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Clinic No. 2

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3659-693X
SPIN-code: 6329-3969

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Yuliana K. Khilova

Kirov Military Medical Academy

SPIN-code: 3938-3514

Cand. Sci. (Med.), docent

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Alexander Ivanovich Panyushkin

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3. Fig. 2. Alexey Ivanovich Ivanov (1904–1966)

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4. Fig. 3. The main building of the Railway Junction (Road) Hospital in St. Petersburg, Leningrad (architect G.T. Rudsky, 1914, Mechnikov Ave., 27)

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5. Fig. 4. Boris Vsevolodovich Gaidar (1946–2021)

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6. Fig. 5. Boris Alexandrovich Samotokin (1915–1994)

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7. Fig. 6. Vladimir Anatolyevich Shustin, the first mentor of Alexander Ivanovich Panyushkin

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8. Fig. 7. Graduation photo of the Postgraduate Course for Doctors at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Military Medical Academy, 1964–1965. In the bottom row, first from the left is A.I. Panyushkin, a civilian student among military doctors

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9. Fig. 8. Book by V.A. Shustin and A.I. Panyushkin “Clinic and Surgical Treatment of Discogenic Lumbosacral Radiculomyeloishemia,” 1985

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10. Fig. 9. A guide for doctors A.A. Skoromets, T.P. Tissen, A.I. Panyushkin, T.A. Skoromets “Vascular diseases of the spinal cord”, 1998

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11. Fig. 10. A.I. Panyushkin, chief physician of the Road Hospital, 1980s

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12. Fig. 11. On a subbotnik, with A.I. Panyushkin, head physician of the Road Hospital on the left, and his first deputy V.B. Malikov on the right, 1975

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13. Fig. 12. A.I. Panyushkin during a break between operations, 1984

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14. Fig. 13. Book by Alexander Ivanovich Panyushkin dedicated to the St. Petersburg Road Clinical Hospital, 2014

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15. Fig. 14. Alexander Ivanovich and Galina Alexandrovna Panyushkins. Leningrad, early 1970s

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