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An important step towards the development of reticular endorotesis was the introduction and use of modern super-elastic material based on nickel-titanium. The article is devoted to a new way to solve one of the urgent problems of surgery. The experiment proved the possibility of an intraperitoneal method of disposing of a nickel-mesh titanium implant based on titanium nickelide modified by auto-coupling tissue in artificially created defects of the anterior abdominal wall, and anti-adhesive properties of the combined mesh material are shown. In the experiment, performed a series of experiments on 33 rabbits of the Chinchilla breed. Animals were divided into 3 groups of 11 animals each. The experiment included 2 stages. In the first part, netting of nickelide titanium implant was performed in the posterior pelvic limb of the animal. The second stage was carried out by replacing the artificially created defect of the anterior abdominal wall with a mesh implant based on titanium nickelide modified with connective tissue. The experiment proved the possibility of an intraperitoneal method of disposing of a nickel-mesh titanium implant based on titanium nickelide modified by auto-coupling tissue in artificially created defects of the anterior abdominal wall, and anti-adhesive properties of the combined mesh material are shown. The use of super-elastic reticular nickel-titanium implants in combination with an auto-connecting tissue will, with a high degree of effectiveness, replace the lost structures of the anterior abdominal wall in patients with postoperative ventral hernias.

About the authors

T V Cherepanova

NUZ Road Clinical Hospital

660058, Lomonosova str., 47, Krasnoyarsk, Russia


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