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Relevance of the topic: endoscopic intraoperative choledochoscopy with traditional surgical procedures is a highly informative research in the diagnosis and treatment of choledocholithiasis. Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of intraoperative use of fibrocholedochoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of "complex" forms of choledocholithiasis. Materials and methods: Between 2011 and 2017, 88 patients underwent treatment for "complicated" forms of choledocholithiasis using intraoperative fibrocholedochoscopy. Results: after dissection of the choledochal wall and extraction of large concrements from the lumen, a fibrocholedochoscopy was performed. The fibrocholedochoscope was inserted into the lumen of the common bile duct through a formed opening with examination of the biliary tract. An obligatory condition for assessing the permeability of the distal sections of the bile ducts was the carrying out of an endoscope through the OBD zone. The remaining remaining calculi were recovered with the help of Dormia baskets (15 (17%) cases). In 86 (97.7%) patients, the operation is completed by the imposition of a hollow stitch of choledoch (priority reference No. 2018122530, 2018). Conclusion: fibrocholedochoscopy in the treatment of complex forms of choledocholithiasis allows to methodically evaluate the biliary tract, perform lithoextraction from the proximal and distal sections.

About the authors

K V Pavelets

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Department of Faculty Surgery. prof. Rusanova A.A

194100 Litovskaya street 2,St. Petersburg, Russia

A K Ushkats

City Mariinsky Hospital"

194104 Liteiny Avenue 56, St. Petersburg, Russia

D V Gacko

St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, Department of Faculty Surgery. prof. Rusanova A.A

194100 Litovskaya street 2,St. Petersburg, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Pavelets K.V., Ushkats A.K., Gacko D.V.

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