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The application of multidimensional screening of the navy servicemen’s mental health is considered in the article. The content of the concept of “mental health” is not limited to medical and psychological criteria, it always reflects the social and group norms that regulate the spiritual life of a person. For this purpose, multidimensional mental health screening has been developed. The essence of multidimensional a serviceman’s screening consists of combining the level estimates of mental or “subjective”, psychophysiological or “military professional” and socio-psychological adaptation of a serviceman. A moderate level of personal “subjective” adaptation in the collective of servicemen, a good level of indicators for assessing the activity of servicemen by the commander, and the presence of social tension in the military collective in the conditions of the third month of the campaign is observed. 27% of those surveyed servicemen were recommended psychological and educational activities, 9% - were required dynamic monitoring of the doctor’s part, 2% - were needed in a psychiatrist’s consultation. It requires mandatory medical and psychological support for military personnel during a long campaign (3 tables, bibliography: 7 refs).

About the authors

A N Yatmanov

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry


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