The birth of military medical education in the Moscow state

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The beginning of the formation of military medical education which, first of all, concentrated in Moscow is considered. The role of the pharmacy order and the Russian school of medicine is shown. It is established that the practical traditions in the preparation of the doctor, laid down in the school of medicine were picked up and successfully developed in the hospital school of the Moscow military Imperial hospital. The hospital as the first state medical institution in Russia has actually become the cradle of the national hospital business, medical science and education. The curriculum of the hospital school included theoretical and practical medical disciplines in a larger volume than in the medical faculties of foreign universities. In the past high stands, the role of the famous doctor-Galarza put my whole life on the development of the higher military medical education in Russia - Nicholas bidloo Labertouche. In 1733 the new staff of Medical Office was approved. On the model of the Moscow hospital school (later called the medical-surgical school), established two surgical schools in St. Petersburg at The land and Admiralty hospitals, and one - in Kronstadt. The facts presented in the article convincingly confirm and show the significant role of hospital schools as a centre of formation and development of military medical and General medical education in the XVIII century in Russia. A special role is given to the positive role of «foreign» doctors (Bidloo, Kondoidi), persistently involved in the field of medical support and education of Russia at that time, emphasized the role of progressive public figures in the formation and development of the rudiments of military medical education of the time - B. Godunov, and especially Peter the Great. Attention is drawn to the organizational and methodological support of the educational process - admission to the training of interested representatives of theological seminaries; development of original textbooks based on the most modern theories and views of the medical direction necessarily processed through the prism of the Russian experience of medical care and treatment at the bedside.

About the authors

V P Koshelev

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова


I G Kornushko

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова


A V Shpanka

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова


Y E Vyazovichenko

Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М. Сеченова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Koshelev V.P., Kornushko I.G., Shpanka A.V., Vyazovichenko Y.E.

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