Life and work of Henry Ivanovich Turner (on the 160th anniversary of his birth)

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The main life stages of scientific and practical activities of Henry Ivanovich Turner are presented. It is noted that initially G.I. Turner was interested in problems far from orthopedics: acute purulent processes in the right ileal fossa, the cecum and the appendix. In 1892 G.I. Turner defended his doctoral thesis on «the anatomy of the cecum and the vermiform Appendix in relation to the pathology of perityphlitis». In 1894, Turner was admitted to the degree of assistant Professor of clinical surgery, reading two lectures, he was confirmed in this rank. In 1895, held the appointment of Turner Professor of desmurgy and machineryi Military Medical Academy. He revived the teaching of the subject and translated it into «practical ground». Thanks to the energetic work of Turner as an organizer was revived by the Department of desmurgy and machineryi Military Medical Academy and Surgical Museum of the Academy. Under Henry I. the Museum has been enriched with new type of instruments, dressings, and splints, collection of damaged bones, who helped in the study of desmurgy. This collection has survived to the present day and has more than 800 drugs and has no analogues in the country. A lot of effort and energy gave G.I. Turner to help sick children, handicapped, vocational rehabilitation of crippled children. For many years he supervised the work of an orphanage in St. Petersburg (St. Lachtinskaia, 12), which in 1932 was transformed into the research Institute of child disability in the name of G.I. Turner. This Institute became the organizational and methodical centre of childhood disability in the Soviet Union.

About the authors

T Sh Morgoshia

Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет


V Ya Apchel

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена

N A Syroezhin

Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет


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Copyright (c) 2018 Morgoshia T.S., Apchel V.Y., Syroezhin N.A.

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