History of military hygiene studies in the russian army

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The issue of teaching in military schools the discipline «military hygiene» is being considered. The experience of the Russian army shows that from the fourth quarter of the 19th century, and until 1917 military hygiene was an academic discipline in the training of cadets and officers. At the same time, programs and textbooks were created, even for training at the accelerated courses of cadets and officers during the First World War. The textbooks contained sections on the basics of international military law, human anatomy and physiology, food hygiene, water supply, placement of military personnel in stationary and field conditions, hygiene uniforms, bath and laundry services, personal hygiene, rules for maintaining the territory and cleaning battlefields. Separate chapters presented the issues of urgent illnesses for the troops and their prevention. At the same time, comparative statistics are provided on the irrecoverable losses of troops from weapons and mainly from diseases. In addition, the textbooks contained information on the organization of the army’s sanitary service, the rules for the arrangement of premises for the sick and wounded were considered. In the applications, even the «highest approved» Instruction for protecting the health of the military ranks of the active army, various methods and tools for hygienic analysis, methods, disinfectants and others were presented. Here you can find a list of control questions on the sections of the discipline and the answers to them, which indicates the control over the assimilation of the material.

About the authors

B I Zholus

Главный центр государственного санитарно-эпидемиологического надзора (специального назначения) Министерства обороны Российской Федерации

Email: 6936696@mail.ru

I V Petreyev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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