Some health aspects of the Battle of Stalingrad with elements of philosophical comprehension

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Presents extensive historical material unparalleled feat of the Soviet people for a liquidation of consequences of the most ambitious in its bitterness of the battle of Stalingrad, where the cost of enormous effort and enormous human sacrifices our country was able to refract the course of historical events in the Great Patriotic war in their favour. Extremely violent confrontation predetermined the loss of troops, where only in the defensive period of the Stalingrad battle a day killed up to 3,000 people and about the same number of wounded. The severe sanitary and epidemiological situation after the battle, where a huge mass of decaying human bodies remained unburied in a relatively small area of hostilities, and what incredible efforts were made to prevent the impending epidemic of dangerous infectious diseases. The contribution of the outstanding scientist-microbiologist Z. V. Ermoleva and the implementation of her bold decisions in the prevention of cholera epidemic are described. The story is about one of the participants of the battle of Stalingrad on the part of the enemy, but played a huge role in the construction of a moral bridge between the fiercely opposing sides of evil and the liberation of Kurt Roiber - a participant in the battle of Stalingrad, who died in a camp for prisoners of war, but left a number of unforgettable drawings, one of which is the «Stalingrad Madonna» - the fruit of observations and a deep understanding of Russian children and mothers, destitute by military actions, calling in their own way to protect the world over their heads. K. Reiber was able to recognize the inhumanity of war, but that he had to himself to go through this hell. Only by relying on these sensitive triggers of our state of mind can we preserve the memory of the tragedy and the role of Russia’s unparalleled feat, which set an example to the whole world, including the enemy of the power of our indomitable Soviet spirit. And, no matter how hard it was, we should know and often remember these days of the hardest struggle and the great victory.

About the authors

V P Koshelev

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова


I G Kornushko

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова


A V Shpanka

Филиал Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова


Yu E Vyazovichenko

Первый Московский государственный медицинский университет им. И.М. Сеченова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Koshelev V.P., Kornushko I.G., Shpanka A.V., Vyazovichenko Y.E.

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