To the 140th anniversary of the legendary Professor of surgery V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luka)

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The main milestones of life and professional path of an outstanding surgeon of the 20th century Voyno-Yasenetsky (Archbishop Luka) are considered. In 1915, Voino-Yasenetsky published a book «Regional anesthesia» in Staint Petersburg with his own illustrations, and in 1916 he defended his doctoral dissertation in Moscow University on regional anesthesia: the thesis was awarded the prize of the University of Warsaw. In 1917-1930s he worked in Tashkent - the first doctor-surgeon of the city hospital, and from March 1917 - a chief doctor. Since 1920 Voyno-Yasenetsky became a Professor of topographical anatomy and operative surgery at newly established Turkestan University. Voyno-Yasenetsky made great contributions to practical surgery. In his honor several operation were named: resection of affected by purulent process in the sacroiliac joint, the posterior part of the Ilium (pelvic resection by Voyno-Yasenetsky), operation of excision of the affected skin and fatty tissue of the axillary fossa when multiple hidradenitis (Voyno-Yasenetsky operation), incision in the popliteal fossa, supplementing arthrotomy purulent chase (cut by Voyno- Yasenetsky). Also he worked on other problems of clinical surgery. Voyno-Yasenetsky invented the original closure method of the wound located on the periphery of the diaphragm (Voyno-Yasenetsky method). He proposed a new method of spleen mobilization and ligation of blood vessels during splenectomy (Voyno-Yasenetsky method). He described important for surgeons topographic- anatomical landmarks - the projection of the sciatic nerve on the skin back of thigh (Voyno-Yasenetsky line) and the place of exit of the sciatic nerve under the gluteal folds (Voyno-Yasenetsky point). For the books «Sketches of purulent surgery» (1943) and «Late resections of infected gunshot wounds of the joints» (1944) in 1946 he was awarded the Stalin prize of the first degree. Since 1946, in connection with the illness, he departed from surgical activity and before the end of his life he lived in Simferopol (Crimea).

About the authors

T Sh Morgoshiya

Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет


V Ya Apchel

Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена; Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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