Questions of medical and social examination and rehabilitation of disabled people with the consequences of military trauma

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The expert characteristics of the clinical and functional status of the military personnel for the first time recognized as disabled in 2016 because of «military trauma» are considered. It is known that the objectification of methods of expert rehabilitation diagnosis in the implementation of medical and social expertise in the establishment of disability and the development of individual programs of rehabilitation/habilitation of disabled people-one of the main objectives of the concept of «Improvement of the state system of medical and social expertise and rehabilitation of disabled people.» In accordance with this provision, clinical and expert indicators are analyzed, confirmed by the data of expert rehabilitation diagnostics, allowing to objectify the impaired functions and structures of the body of soldiers who have received a military injury, when examined in the Bureau of medical and social expertise. The main clinical and functional syndromes that have expert significance and have influenced the adoption of expert decisions in the establishment of disability groups are presented. The article describes in detail the contraindicated and shown factors of the recommended labor activity, which should be guided in the employment of disabled people from among the former soldiers. The use of evidence-based recommendations in practice makes it possible to determine the forms and conditions of employment in normal or specially created working conditions for the rational employment and socialization of servicemen who have become disabled. Referring to the updated normative legal acts, taking into account the principle of inseparability of the medical and social examination procedure from the formation of individual programs of rehabilitation/habilitation of disabled persons, the authors illustrate the possibilities of professional rehabilitation and employment of military personnel who have different groups of disability due to «military trauma».

About the authors

O S Andreeva

Федеральное бюро медико-социальной экспертизы


L A Karasaeva



M A Shkurko

Федеральное бюро медико-социальной экспертизы


S B Shahsuvaryan

Федеральное бюро медико-социальной экспертизы



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Copyright (c) 2018 Andreeva O.S., Karasaeva L.A., Shkurko M.A., Shahsuvaryan S.B.

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