Modern methods of the functional state assessing of the body and the physical performance of a serviceman in solving scientific research problems of biomedical direction

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The main issues related to the assessment of the functional state of the body and the physical performance of the serviceman are considered. The review of modern methods for assessing the functional state and physical working capacity of a person in sports medicine and the physiology of military labor both in Russia and abroad is presented. The choice of the methods allowing to unify approaches to an estimation of military-professional working capacity in stationary and field conditions is proved. It is established that in the scientific research practice of military medical specialists, it is expedient to evaluate the functional state of the serviceman’s organism and its physical working capacity under loads associated with both dynamic and static muscle work. It is determined that ergospirometry is the most acceptable method of assessing the functional state of the body and the physical performance of servicemen in the process of performing dynamic work. It is noted that with the help of ergospirometric testing, it is possible to predict the physical performance of a serviceman and the duration of its preservation at a given level, replacing or supplementing most standard load tests, which is a weighty argument in favor of its choice as a «gold standard». It has been established that to evaluate the functional state of the body and the physical performance of servicemen in the process of performing static work, the main method is stabilometry. A significant number of available stabilometric techniques, including those using biofeedback, significantly expands the possibilities of diagnosing the functional state of the body of a military specialist. It is determined that the most acceptable method for assessing the impact of dynamic loads on the locomotor system of a serviceman is the use of the “motion capture” technology. The main advantages and disadvantages of modern means and methods of studying the functional state and physical working capacity of a person are revealed. The modern hardware and software complexes used to solve scientific research problems of biomedical orientation are listed.

About the authors

A M Geregey

Государственный научно-исследовательский испытательный институт военной медицины


A S Kovalev

Государственный научно-исследовательский испытательный институт военной медицины

O V Vetryakov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

I S Malahova

Государственный научно-исследовательский испытательный институт военной медицины

E M Mavrenkov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


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Copyright (c) 2018 Geregey A.M., Kovalev A.S., Vetryakov O.V., Malahova I.S., Mavrenkov E.M.

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