Improvement of legal basis of life and health protection of military personnel

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Provisions and requirements of the Internal service regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation regarding the rights and obligations of military personnel for life and health protection are analyzed. Provisions in regulations of 1993 and 2007 years are compared. The compliance of articles of the Regulations to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws from May 27th, 1998 No. 76 «Concerning the status of military personnel», from November 21st, 2011No. 323 «On fundamental healthcare principles in the Russian Federation» and from March 30th, 1999 No. 52 «Concerning the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population» are described. Insufficient legal confirmation of the duties of a serviceman in protection of his own health is noted. One of the problems of education and training of the military personnel of various classes is the lack of such subject as a military hygiene in the curriculum. In prerevolutionary military educational establishments, the hygiene was studied and at the course end there was examination. One of the important elements of the health protection of the servicemen is a sanatorium-resort therapy which can be treated as a part of preventive medical examination. Data on decline of sanatorium service of the military personnel in connection with the legislation changes are presented. Considering physical and mental health of servicemen as a guaranty of high-degree alert and military efficiency it is proposed to start studying the Instruction on life and health protection of the serviceman in the period of a basic military training (soldier, sailor, cadet). Proposals on hygiene studying in fostering and educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense.

About the authors

B I Zholus

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