Evaluation of the effectiveness of single session audiovisual stimulation for the organism functional state’s correction

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Based on the analysis of the changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain, the dynamics of cerebral blood flow and the vegetative balance of the body, the efficacy of a single 15-minute session of audiovisual stimulation for the correction of the functional state of the organism was evaluated. It was found that after the audiovisual stimulation session, the mean value of the alpha-rhythm power in the frontal, anterior-parietal and occipital leads of the right and left hemispheres of the brain was statistically significant more than in the background study. Such a change in the power of the alpha-rhythm reflects the level of ascending activation necessary for the organization of adaptive behavior, and can also characterize the intensity of the neuro-emotional stress. Increasing the power of the α-rhythm indicates a decrease in the level of nonspecific cerebral activation and is one of the main characteristics of the state of functional comfort. Statistically significant ifferences in the indices of powers of the β - and β -rhythms inherent in the state of active wakefulness were determined. The decrease1 2in the power index of the electoencephalography delta rhythm was revealed. The revealed dynamics of cerebral blood flow parameters was subject to pronounced individual differences, which made it impossible to determine the direction of the trend. It was established a gradual decrease in the power of the low-frequency component of the cardiorhythm with simultaneous increase in the contribution power of the high-frequency component, reaching a statistically significant difference at the last stage of registration, which leads to a significant decrease in the coefficient of vagosympathetic balance after the audiovisual stimulation session. The revealed changes indicate a decrease in the tone of the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system. Thus, it is established that after a single 15-minute audiovisual stimulation session, the value of the α-rhythm power in the frontal, anterior parietal and occipital leads of the right and left hemispheres of the brain increases, the power indices of the beta and delta rhythms of the electoencephalography decrease, the stress index and the vegetative index decrease balance, and also the coefficient of the vagosympathetic balance of the rhythmocardiogram. These changes characterize the optimization of the functional state of the organism and contribute to an accelerated restoration of working capacity.

About the authors

V N Sysoev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru

A V Chebykina

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru

M A Dushkina

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru

V B Dergachev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова

Email: vmeda-nio@mil.ru


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Copyright (c) 2018 Sysoev V.N., Chebykina A.V., Dushkina M.A., Dergachev V.B.

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