Infringements of colonial resistance of microbiotic skin in patients suffering diseases of an ear, a throat and a nose on the background of diabetes mellitus

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Infringements of colonial resistance of a microbiota of a skin at the elderly, suffering diseases of an ear, a throat and a nose (an otitis, a tonsilitis, a sinusitis, etc.) are considered on a background of a diabetes. To study changes in quantitative and specific indicators of deep microbiota of the skin, the method of agar prints was used. It is established that the indicators of quantitative changes are associated with a metabolic disorder and may be factors predisposing to the development of other diseases against the background of diabetes mellitus. The revealed changes in the indices of colonial resistance in patients with diabetes mellitus are of interest as adaptive characteristics of the organism in diseases of the ear, throat and nose of various etiologies, and serve as a harbinger of deviations in the clinical and physiological status of patients with diabetes mellitus. Thus, in patients with diabetes mellitus, the composition of the microbiota of the skin corresponds to that of healthy individuals of the same age. Regardless of the type and stage of diabetes mellitus, they showed an increase in the number of colony-forming units of the deep layers of the skin of the forearm, which corresponds to the dysbacteriosis of the third-degree skin. In the structure of biocenoses, in patients of the otolaryngological profile, against the background of diabetes mellitus, changes that correspond to the dysbacteriosis of the skin of the IV degree are revealed. In this category of patients, there is a pronounced secondary immunodeficiency, which is manifested by inhibition of the investigated nonspecific immunity indices, which is a predisposing factor for the onset and development of a purulent infection. It is shown that dysbiosis can manifest itself with clinical local symptoms, and then with general disorders that aggravate the course of the underlying disease and complicate treatment. An integrated approach to this problem can be used for a more differentiated assessment of the prognosis of complications in patients with an otorhinolaryngological profile against diabetes mellitus and increasing the effectiveness of therapeutic and preventive care.

About the authors

N D Khasiev

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


E B Shaposhnikova

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


M A Zhurkin

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


N I Shevchuk

Балтийский федеральный университет им. Иммануила Канта


R R Sadykov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Khasiev N.D., Shaposhnikova E.B., Zhurkin M.A., Shevchuk N.I., Sadykov R.R.

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