Foci of chronic infection and vascular rigidity in persons of military age

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The role of focal infection as a possible risk factor for development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases is discussed quite intensively now. Estimated some parameters of vascular stiffness in young men of military age with the features of their infectious-inflammatory medical history by the type of foci of chronic infection. It is established that in young men with foci of chronic infection such indicators of vascular stiffness, as peripheral augmentation index, augmentation index, normalized to heart rate, and augmentation index of the aorta were significantly higher than in their peers with a positive history. The differences in the first two indicators have reached a reliable level. It should be emphasized the presence of more low blood pressure in the presence of foci of chronic infection , which eliminates the distortion parameters of vascular status, influenced by the tensile effect from the blood pressure in the time of the study. The obtained data clearly indicate the higher rigidity of the walls of the aorta and large arteries in young men under the influence of their foci of chronic infection. Some tendency to development of left ventricular dysfunction in young people with presence of chronic tonsillitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases was also revealed. This dysfunction is expressed in reducing the maximum rate of growth of blood pressure and increasing the period of expulsion of the left ventricle. The presented results confirm the concept of lifelong formation of «infectious-inflammatory load» in terms of increasing vascular rigidity and subclinical changes in the functioning of the myocardium at young age, subject to the presence of a focal chronic infection. These data allow us to regard foci of chronic infection as another risk factor of atherosclerosis, which in turn requires consideration when carrying out the relevant preventive measures among young population in the process of health checkups.

About the authors

M E Evsevyeva

Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет


M V Eremin

Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет


E V Italyantseva

Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет


M V Rostovtseva

Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет


O V Sergeeva

Ставропольский государственный медицинский университет



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Copyright (c) 2018 Evsevyeva M.E., Eremin M.V., Italyantseva E.V., Rostovtseva M.V., Sergeeva O.V.

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