Effects of platelet-rich plasma in the complex therapy of patients with androgenic alopecia

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Features of platelet-rich plasma in the complex therapy in patients with androgenic alopecia are analyzed. A comparative evaluation of the clinical efficacy of the three treatment methods was carried out: topical applications of a5% solution of minoxidil, intradermal injection of platelet-rich plasma, and combination of these techniques. A solution of minoxidil was applied to the dry skin of the scalp 1 ml twice a day without washing throughout the observation period. The course of treatment consisted of 4 procedures with an interval of 4 weeks. Clinical efficacy was assessed by the dynamics of morphometric indices of hair growth. It was established that after complex therapy in the form of minoxidil applications and injections of plasma rich plasma, the hair density increased by 32% (p=0,00004), the diameter of the hair shafts by 26% (p=0,00004). At the same time, the share of vellus hair decreased by 30% (p=0,00082), and the proportion of telogen hair decreased by 39% (p=0,00008). The results of using complex therapy significantly exceeded the clinical effect of platelet-rich plasma and topical applications of a 5% solution of minoxidil. The data obtained allows to suggest that plasma enriched with platelets and minoxidil potentiate each other’s effects, and their complex application seems promising for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia.

About the authors

E E Pakhomova

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

Email: spbclv@mail.ru

I O Smirnova

Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


I N Telichko

Кожно-венерологический диспансер № 4



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