Characteristics of imported malaria in the Astrakhan region

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Epidemiological situation of imported malaria in the Astrakhan region for 2000-2016 is characterized. It is established that during this period, 90 cases of malaria were registered in the Astrakhan region, including 70 (77,8%) cases of imported malaria. Imported malaria was registered in both adults and children (53 (75,7%) and 17 (24,3%) cases, respectively). 65,7% of cases of imported malaria in the Astrakhan region falls on the urban area. Most cases (25,6%) of cases of malaria were registered in persons living in the Leninsky district, 2 times less often - in the Soviet and Kirov districts (17,1 and 15,7%, respectively) and in 1 (1,4%) cases - from the city of Astrakhan, who lived in the Trusovsky District. In rural areas of the Astrakhan region, imported malaria was recorded in 34,3% of cases, 10% in Narimanov, Krasnoyarsk -8,6%, Akhtuba - 5.7%, Kharabalin - 4,3%, Chernoyarsk - 2,9% , Liman and Kamyzyzk regions - 1,4% each. In 2 (2,9%) cases, imported malaria was registered in persons who do not have a permanent residence permit in Astrakhan and who are passing through it. Cases of imported malaria were recorded from January to October. Most often, 58 (82,9%) cases were recorded in the spring-summer period from April to August. In other months malaria cases were noted, but in rare and isolated cases: March and September - by 5,7%, October - 2,9%, January and February - 1,4%. In 92,9% of cases, the import of malaria to the Astrakhan region was carried out from the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States in 7,1% of cases - from Africa. Thus, from countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, in 50% of cases malaria was imported from Azerbaijan, in 37,2% - from Tajikistan. In isolated cases (2,9%), malaria was imported from Armenia and Uzbekistan. In general, in the territory of the Astrakhan region over the past 10 years, there has been a reduction in imported cases of malaria from the Commonwealth and the African contingent. In most cases, cases of three-day malaria were registered on the territory of the Astrakhan region. The importation of malaria into the Astrakhan region was mainly carried out from countries that were not well-off for malaria - Azerbaijan, Tajikistan and Africa.

About the authors

R S Arakelyan

Астраханский государственный медицинский университет


H M Galimzyanov

Астраханский государственный медицинский университет


E D Hasanova

Областная инфекционная клиническая больница им. А.М. Ничоги


L N Noskov

Управление Роспотребнадзора по Астраханской области


G L Shendo

Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Астраханской области


V F Postnova

Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Астраханской области



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Copyright (c) 2018 Arakelyan R.S., Galimzyanov H.M., Hasanova E.D., Noskov L.N., Shendo G.L., Postnova V.F.

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