Condition and measures to improve dental care for the population of the Southern Federal district of Russia

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Рresents information on the level of dental care for the urban and rural population of the Southern FederalDistrict of the Russian Federation, which were obtained based on dental examination data of 3658 adults (1524 men and2134 women) of young and middle-aged (from 21 to 59 years) city and countryside. It was established that urban residentshad significantly lesser untreated carious lesions, including caries of the filled tooth, and removed teeth that were not restoredwith dentures. The main causes of tooth loss, regardless of sex and place of residence, were complicated caries (periodontitis)and periodontal pathology (periodontitis heavier). In men and women living in the city, the intensity of the carious processwas 11,54±0,82 and 9,14±0,67, respectively; while those living in rural areas, respectively, 12,26±0,64 and 11,44±0,68. Thelevel of dental care varied significantly depending on the place of residence and, regardless of gender, the urban populationwas characterized as satisfactory (the index of the level of dental care for men is 53,47%; for women is 60,5%), and ruralresidents as insufficient (the index of the level of dental care for men is 39,07%; for women is 40,12%). The need to improvethe material and technical base of state (municipal) medical and preventive institutions providing dental care to rural residents,as well as the resumption of the work of dental mobile teams or mobile dental offices, based at the regional, regional anddistrict hospitals. It was noted that industrial and agricultural enterprises can help the dental health of villagers greatly byorganizing dental offices with their medical-sanitary units and medical centers.

About the authors

A K Iordanishvili

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова Северо-Западный государственный медицинский университет им. И.И. Мечникова


A I Volodin

Кубанский государственный медицинский университет



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