State of the lipid spectrum and coagulation system of blood in patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels of the lower extremities living in mountain conditions near uranium tailings

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In Kirgizstan, radionuclides enter the environment from rock dumps and uranium tailings. Therefore, the problem of adaptation, life, preservation, working capacity of the population in these conditions is of great scientific and practical important. Тhe prevalence of diseases associated with disorders of endothelial disfunction and the hemostasis system. In the pathogenesis of these diseases the activation of the blood coagulation and thrombosis play the main role. We investigated the relationship of lipid metabolism and coagulation system of blood of patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of vessels of lower extremities, with concomitant arterial hypertension, who live in the mountains in close proximity to uranium tailings. It was found that this category has changes in the lipid profile, manifested by a high level of both atherogenic (total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol fractions. These patients have revealed trends in hyper coagulation of the plasma mechanism of hemostasis, in the form of shortening of prothrombin, thrombin and activated thromboplastin time with hypefibrinogenemia amid a downward trend in fibrinolytic activity. Complex, statistically significant correlation between lipid profile and coagulation components of homeostasis. According to the results of the study, it is recommended to conduct an annual dispensary observation of the population living in mountainous conditions near uranium tailings for early detection and timely treatment of endothelial dysfunction and homeostasis system.

About the authors

G Z Suranova

Кыргызско-Российский Славянский университет


A V Dergunov

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова


R R Tuhvatshin

Кыргызская государственная медицинская академия им. И.К. Ахунбаева


M N Namazbekov

Кыргызский государственный медицинский институт переподготовки и повышения квалификации им. С.Б. Даниярова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Suranova G.Z., Dergunov A.V., Tuhvatshin R.R., Namazbekov M.N.

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