T2*-magnetic resonance relaxometry of the liver in the quantitative assessment of iron overload

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For objective quantitative assessment of iron overload in 60 patients with hemochromatosis of different genesis, T2*-magnetic resonance relaxometry of the liver was performed. The results of the latter were compared with the concentration of serum ferritin, which is by far the most common marker of iron overload. It has been established that T2*-magnetic-resonance relaxometry is a non-invasive, highly effective method of objective quantitative assessment of iron overload in patients of the hematological profile, in comparison with the serum ferritin concentration, which is not specific, since its change can be influenced by inflammatory and neoplastic processes in The organism, often found in patients with oncohematological profile. Thus, according to T2*-magnetic resonance relaxometry of the liver, all patients were divided into two groups: with iron overload and with no overload, the latter among the total number of subjects was 13,3%. The explanation of the increase in serum ferritin concentration in these patients was the presence of identified inflammatory foci in the body. In most patients (86,6%), iron overload was confirmed by T2*-magnetic resonance relaxometry measurements. However, at each degree of overload, there was no clear regularity in the proportional increase in serum ferritin concentration of the intensity of pathological changes revealed by T2*-magnetic resonance relaxometry. Thus, ferritin cannot remain a reliable marker for iron overload. In general, magnetic resonance T2 *-relaxometry provides the most accurate estimate of the degree of iron overload in the liver. T2*-magnetic resonance relaxometry should be included in the protocol of examination of patients with suspicion of the presence of iron overload.

About the authors

A M Titova

Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр им. В.А. Алмазова

Email: anisa33@mail.ru

G E Trufanov

Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр им. В.А. Алмазова


V A Fokin

Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр им. В.А. Алмазова



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Copyright (c) 2018 Titova A.M., Trufanov G.E., Fokin V.A.

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