卷 12, 编号 4 (2013)


The application of transcranial magnetic stimulation in the patients presenting with ischemic stroke in the acute, and early reconvalescence periods for diagnostic, therapeutic, and rehabilitative purposes (guidelines)

Lyusenyuk V., Zasukha V., Balitsky A., Samosyuk N.


It is recommended to use functional transcranial magnetic stimulation for the estimation of the rehabilitative potential of the patients presenting with ischemic stroke and locomotor disorders in the acute, and early reconvalescence periods of the disease. The retention of motor evoked potentials from the affected hemisphere in the acute and early reconvalescence periods gives evidence of good prospects for the normalization of locomotor functions in the affected extremities. In contrast, the absence of motor evoked potentials from the affected hemisphere suggests the poor rehabilitative potential for the restoration of the locomotor functions. The patients who had undergone the newly diagnosed hemispheric ischemic stroke and thereafter developed locomotor disorders in combination with neurologic deficit exhibited changes in the motor evoked potentials not only from the affected hemisphere but also from the “intact” one. It means that the rehabilitative treatment should be extended onto the conventionally “intact” hemisphere. The authors proposed the method for the synchronous application of transcranial magnetic stimulation and electrical stimulation in the patients presenting with primary ischemic stroke and locomotor disorders provided that they retain the rehabilitative potential. This method makes it possible to improve the results of medical rehabilitation during the acute and early reconvalescence periods. In order to obtain the optimal outcome of rehabilitative measures, it is recommended to carry out magnetic stimulation of the affected and unaffected hemispheres at the frequencies of magnetic pulses 5 Hz and 1 Hz respectively simultaneously with electrical stimulation by the conventional method.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):4-13
pages 4-13 views

A method for the early rehabilitation of the patients presenting with injuries to the pelvic ring

Shchetkin V., Chernyshev A., Ivanov P., Fain A., Chukina E., Vorontsov Y.


The early onset of the treatment that included remedial gymnastics of increasingly greater intensity in the combination with physical exercises on a RECK MOTOmed letto 2 movement therapy machine and electrostimulation with the use of “Galatea” physiotherapeutic device made it possible to significantly improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation in the patients undergoing surgical intervention for the management of pelvic bone fractures. As a result, it allowed to accelerate activation of such patients, decrease the number of hypostatic complications, and reduce the duration of the hospitalization period.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):13-16
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The combination of the local vibration treatment and transcerebral physiotherapy for the management of pelvic pain syndrome in the women

Tkachenko L., Raigorodsky Y., Kurushina O., Makhova G.


The present study was designed to demonstrate the possibility of combined application of local and central physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of women (n = 98) presenting with pelvic pain syndrome (PPS) of different etiology (inflammatory processes in the small pelvis following surgical interventions, dysmenorrhea, ovulatory syndrome). Vibration and the magnetic field were locally applied to the perineal region using an AVIM-1 apparatus. Central treatment included the combination of transcranial magnetic therapy and electrostimulation with the use of an ANO-ATOS-E apparatus. It was shown that the combined application of local and central physiotherapeutic methods in conjunction with medicamental therapy for the relevant indications made it possible to relieve pain syndrome by 64.6%, reduce vegetative dysfunction and disturbances in cerebral circulation by 30% and 18% respectively compared with the control patients. Simultaneously, the main parameters of microcirculation improved by 1.5-2 times while increased general resistance of the organism was documented in 72% of the women included in the study. Taken together, these changes produced the beneficial effect on their reproductive potential and promoted the development of pregnancy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):16-20
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The methods for the medical rehabilitation of Parkinson’s disease

Kornyukhina E.


Parkinson’s disease is the most widespread condition among neurodegenerative diseases. Its management is based on the combined application of different methods. Medical rehabilitation of the patients includes not only basal medicamental therapy and surgical treatment but also physiotherapeutic methods, such as reflexotherapy, remedial gymnastics, speech therapy, and psychotherapy. The application of those physical factors is prescribed when they can be expected to produce the most pronounced beneficial effects on the clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Such factors include balneotherapeutic procedures, thermal and peloid therapy, pulsed currents phototherapy, and barotherapy. The introduction of transcerebral electrotherapy and computed stabilographic programs for bioregulation guided by statokinesograms in the combined treatment of the patients allows the severity of the main clinical symptoms of Parkinson’s diseases to be decreased.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):21-24
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The conservative treatment of the children presenting with grade II - III scoliosis

Yashkov A., Losev I., Polyakov V., Shelykhmanova M.


The present study has demonstrated that the combined conservative treatment of the children presenting with grade II - III scoliosis (Cobb’s angle 20-60 degrees) significantly promotes stabilization of the clinical course of the disease and slows down its further development. Such treatment should include the simultaneous application of local hyperbarotherapy and DDT therapy, combination of massage and the application of electrostatic fields, differential kinesotherapy, and optimized day regimen based on the use of specialized technical devices.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):25-28
pages 25-28 views

The possibility of using “KOLETEKS” textile applications in physiotherapy

Fomina E., Valueva M., Oltarzhevskaya N., Gerasimenko M., Khrykova A., Klenova N., Martynova N.


One of the most effective ways to speed up the process of wound healing and regeneration of damaged parts of the body is to conduct physical therapy procedures used to achieve therapeutic effect in patients with different diseases (dermatology, ENT, rheumatology, etc.). Physiotherapy can be conducted both individually and is a component of comprehensive treatment. The undeniable advantage of this method is the almost complete absence of contraindications and adverse reactions. It is known that the integral component of physiotherapeutic procedures is the boundary environment between a body of the person and an influencing physical factor (an electric current, ultrasound, laser, a magnetic field, etc.), representing, as a rule, the gel system providing constant humidity of limit of the section. This article is devoted to the description of the innovative development connected with application in physical therapy of the textile materials, napkins of "Koletex" as laying when carrying out procedures of an electrophoresis, ultrabphonophoresis and laserohhoresis, magnetophoresis, at treatment of sinusitis, otitises, rheumatologic diseases.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):29-32
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The influence of physiotherapy on the psychological status of the women presenting with climacteric syndrome

Aivazyan T., Zaitsev V., Yarustovskaya O., Yazykova T.


We carried out the analysis of individual psychological features in 78 women presenting with climacteric syndrome. Special attention was given to dynamics of their psychological status under conditions of physiotherapy. Psychological predictors of the effectiveness of such treatment were detected. It was shown that 74% of the women with climacteric syndrome suffer compromised psychiological adaptation. The degree of manifestation of climacteric syndrome is related to the presence of hypochondric fixations, anxiety disorders, and negative self-appreciation of the state of health. The treatment with the application of physical factors proved to be especially efficacious in the patients having only mild changes of the psychological status before its initiation.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):32-35
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The application of fluctuating currents for the combined treatment of the children presenting with congenital malformations of the sigmoid colon

Smirnova S.


The results of the present study provided a basis for the development of a new method for the combined medical rehabilitation of the children presenting with congenital malformations of the sigmoid colon using fluctuating currents that are known to activate the motor-evacuation function of the large intestine and anal sphincter. The associated changes are of great importance for the normalization of the passage of fecal masses through the intestines, relief of constipation and arrest of encopresis. An original approach to the choice of the fluctuorization method is proposed taking into consideration the functional state of abdominal, dorsal, and anal muscles and the presence or absence of the surgical intervention in the preceding period. The high diagnostic value of laser spectrophotometry and extensive electrodiagnostics of abdominal oblique muscles, rectus abdominis muscle, and exterior anal sphincter has been demonstrated. These methods allow to elucidate peculiarities of the functional muscular activity in the patients presenting with congenital malformations of the sigmoid colon taking into account the data obtained during evaluation of the functional activity of the large intestine, specific characteristics of its microflora, the state of the neuro-muscular apparatus, and microcirculation in the anterior abdominal wall and the anus.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):35-38
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Oxygen-ozone therapy of chronic immunodependent dermatoses

Kosheleva I.


Oxygen-ozone therapy is a modern high-tech physiotherapeutic method characterized by a wide spectrum of curative effects including antihistaminic, angiotropic, antioxiative, bioregulatory, and immunomodulating actions. The immunomodulating and metabolic effects of oxygen-ozone therapy constitute the subject-matter of the present dissertation study as exemplified by its influence on chronic dermatoses, such as psoriasis, lichen ruber planus, localized scleroderma, and skin angiitis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):38-44
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The application of the low-frequency electrostatic field in the clinical practice

Kulikov A., Kuzovleva E.


The proposed method is based on the application of the alternating low-frequency high-voltage electrostatic field in the variable regime (the possibility to modulate its intensity, duration of the pulses and intervals between them). The electrostatic field is shown to promote generation of vibrations of different strength in the tissues and their penetration into tissues to an appreciable depth. Such vibrations (displacements) in the tissues produce a variety of effects on the neuro-muscular apparatus and local blood or lymphatic vessels depending on their frequency, strength, and duration; moreover, they influence the state of the internal organs. Selected methods for the application of electrostatic therapy for the correction of pathological changes in the locomotor organs, central and peripheral nervous systems, broncho-pulmonary system, digestive organs, lymphatic and venous insufficiency are described. Detailed information is provided concerning the use of these procedures and relevant technical devices for low-frequency electrostatic therapy; their technical characteristics are presented.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):44-53
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Vasiliy Mikhailovich Bodolyubov

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Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):54-54
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Aleksandr Efimovich Schcherbak (on the occasion of 150th birthday anniversary)

Ponomarenko G., Ezhov V.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2013;12(4):55-55
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