卷 10, 编号 5 (2011)


Transcranial electric pulse therapy in combination with mexidol premedication for the management of cerebrovascular complications in the patients presenting with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Gushchina N., Turova E., Gorbunov F., Artikulova I., Tarasova L., Gushchina N., Turova E., Gorbunov F., Artikulova I., Tarasova L.


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the combination of intravenous infusion of mexidol and transcranial application of sinusoidal modulated currents (SMS therapy) on the state of cerebrovascular complications in the patients presenting with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The study included 28 patients aged between 42 and 62 years suffering from chronic cerebrovascular disorders as a consequence of metabolic and microcirculatory abnormalities. The results of the treatment and medical examination indicate that the combination of the antioxidant agent mexidol with the transcranial application of sinusoidal modulated currents has marked beneficial effect on lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, improves blood circulation, and reduces the severity of psychoemotional and cognitive disorders.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):3-6
pages 3-6 views

The potential of hemolasertherapy for the correction of clinical and functional disturbances in psoriatic patients

Shakhova A., Kulikov A., Korsunskaya I., Shakhova A., Kulikov A., Korsunskaya I.


The present study was designed to compare the efficacy of the treatment of 104 patients with psoriasis allocated to three groups, one managed by PUVA therapy, another by intravenous laser irradiation of the blood, and the third by the combination of these two methods. Analysis of the data obtained has demonstrated that inflammatory symptoms of psoriasis rapidly regressed under the influence of laser irradiation while the combination of the two methods further accelerated the regression of infiltrative manifestations. Intravenous laserotherapy stimulated activity of the main antioxidant enzymes in erythrocytes that play an important role in the antioxidative protection of these cells. In contrast, PUVA therapy alone did not cause changes in the antioxidant status of the patients. Thermography revealed lowering of the temperature at the affected skin areas under effect of the treatment in all three groups of the patients, but this effect was reached quicker and was more pronounced after 3-4 seances of laserotherapy than after PUVA therapy. The results of the study indicate that the introduction of intravenous laser irradiation of the blood into the combined treatment of psoriasis not only accelerates regression of the main clinical manifestations of the disease but also exerts beneficial action on microcirculation and disbalance of pro- and antioxidant systems.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):6-12
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The combined application of radon therapy and peloid therapy for the rehabilitation of the patients presenting with seronegative spondyloarthritis

Barnatskiy V., Barnatsky V.


The remedial therapeutic complex including radon baths and low-temperature peloid application significantly (by 24%) increased the efficacy of rehabilitation of the patients presenting with seronegative spondyloarthritis, reduced the activity of the disease, exerted well-apparent anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, markedly enhanced the functional and adaptive potential of the patients and improved their quality of life. These effects were much more pronounced than in the case of isolated application of radon baths (1.5 kBq/l) or low-temperature peloids. The study has demonstrated high therapeutic efficacy of the combined treatment with aqueous radon baths and low-temperature peloids in the patients presenting with reactive arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis with the predominant affection of peripheral joints.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):12-16
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The comparative analysis of the results of application of different methods for the rehabilitative treatment of gonarthrosis

Negodaeva E., Evstigneeva L., Antyuf'ev V., Negodaeva E., Evstigneeva L., Antyufiev V.


The study was designed to compare the results of efficacy of physical exercises on the quadriceps muscle of thigh and its electrostimulation using sinusoidal modulated currents (SMC). The secondary objective was to evaluate results of the combined application of these two methods in patients presenting with knee joint osteoarthrosis (gonarthrosis). SMC stimulation of the quadriceps muscle of thigh was shown to induce positive dynamics estimated based on a few international analog scales. However, the statistically significant changes were observed only after a series of special exercises and their combination with SMC stimulation of the quadriceps muscle of thigh in the patients suffering from gonarthrosis.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):17-19
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The combined treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in young subjects

Miryutova N., Zaytsev A., Suleymanov R., Miryutova N., Zaitsev A., Suleimanov R.


The application of the new pathogenetically sound method for the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis in young patients (the combination of peloid therapy, manual therapy, and vibromassage) ensured correction of orthopedic, biomechanical, and trophic abnormalities. Moreover, it promoted the strengthening of the muscular corset, prolonged the beneficial clinical effect, prevented deterioration of vertebral deformities, dystrophic changes, and neurologic complications.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):20-24
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The application of metrogil electrophoresis for the combined treatment of mild periodontitis

Efanov O., Voynova E., Efanov O., Voinova E.


A total of 36 patients with mild periodontitis were available for observation. The objective of the study was to estimate the clinical efficiency of the combined application of constant current and metrogil electrophoresis for the treatment of periodontitis. The therapeutic efficiency of the method was evaluated from the dynamics of clinical symptoms and the results of functional tests. The inclusion of metrogil electrophoresis in the combined treatment of mild periodontitis was shown to significantly improve the oral cavity conditions and reduce the duration of treatment compared with simple application of the same preparation.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):24-27
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The application of laserotherapy for the correction of immune disturbances in the patients presenting with facial nerve neuropathy

Musaev A., Bagirova S., Muradov R., Ragimova A., Musaev A., Bagirova S., Muradov R., Ragimova A.


The objective of the study involving 70 patients with facial nerve neuropathy (FNN) was to evaluate the immunomodulating action and clinical efficacy of laser therapy (LT) alone or in combination with pharmacotherapy. The therapeutic effect of laser therapy was apparent regardless of the character of immune insufficiency in the patients with facial nerve neuropathy in the form of restoration of the facial muscle functions and the improvement of certain parameters of the immune system. It is concluded that the pronounced corrective action of laser therapy when used for the combined treatment of immune disturbances results in their elimination even in patients with severe FNN. As a result, the overall efficacy of the treatment increases while the overall duration of the rehabilitation period decreases.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):28-32
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The use of the SMC-phoresis technique for the treatment of irritated bowel syndrome

Korepanov A., Pantyukhina A., Shklyaev A., Sobin D., Korepanov A., Pantyukhina A., Shklyaev A., Sobin D.


A total of 139 patients presenting with irritated bowel syndrome were enrolled in the present comprehensive examination. The data obtained indicate that a course of SMC-phoresis with the use of hydrogen sulfide sodium chloride brine prescribed to these patients is comparable with traditional pharmacotherapy in terms of clinical efficacy. It is concluded that the SMC-phoresis technique can be recommended as a self-consistent method for the non-medicamental treatment of the patients with irritated bowel syndrome.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):33-35
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The potential of laserotherapy and magnetotherapy for the management of appendicular-genital syndrome in adolescent girls

Ipatova M., Uvarova E., Malanova T., Matveeva N., Gevorkyan G., Ipatova M., Uvarova E., Malanova T., Matveeva N., Gevorkyan G.


The data on the efficacy of treatment of different stages of salpingoophoritis in the girls of prepubertal age presenting with appendicular-genital syndrome are reported. It is demonstrated that the introduction of magnetolaser therapy and application of a running magnetic field in the traditional therapeutic programs increases the efficacy of medicamental treatment of the patients in the above clinical condition. The mechanisms underlying beneficial effects of the described approach have been elucidated.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):36-40
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The combined treatment of acute pospartum endomeritis following delivery by Cesarean section with the use of magnetotherapy

Yarustovskaya O., Kulikov A., Anan'ev V., Rosseykina M., Yarustovskaya O., Kulikov A., Ananiev V., Rosseikina M.


The objective of the present work was to study the efficacy of the earlier introduction of a running pulsed low-frequency magnetic field (RLFMF) in the program of traditional therapy of acute postpartum endometritis (PE) after the delivery by Cesarean section. The study included 124 women presenting with acute postpartum endometritis following the Cesarean section at weeks 36-40 of the pregnancy. All the patients were divided into two matched groups. Group 1 was comprised of 70 women with acute postpartum endometritis after the Cesarean section who were treated using a combination of traditional therapy and physiotherapy (using a running pulsed low-frequency magnetic field). The women in the control group 2 (n = 54) in the same postpartum condition were managed with traditional therapy including broad-spectrum antibiotics in the absence of physiotherapy. The integral estimation of clinical symptomatology and the results of the study gives evidence of the higher efficacy of the combined treatment of the patients with acute postpartum endometritis with the application of the running pulsed low-frequency magnetic field compared with traditional antibiotic therapy.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):41-43
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The influence of physical methods of therapy on the state of cerebral circulation in the patients presenting with hypothalamic syndrome of the pubertal period

Andreeva I., Akishina I., Tochilina O., Andreeva I., Akishina I., Tochilina O.


The state of cerebral circulation was investigated in 267 patients presenting with hypothalamic syndrome of the pubertal period. It was shown that the introduction of transcranial stimulation, visual pulsed colour therapy, application of a ultra-high frequency electric field, and acureflexotherapy in the combined treatment of hypothalamic syndrome produces positive effect on the state of cerebral hemodynamics and makes it possible to differentially choose the most adequate methods of physiotherapy taking into consideration the character of the initial pathological changes.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):44-48
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The physico-chemical properties of the seaweeds from the Anapa region

Rogozyan B., Efimenko N., Kaysinova A., Danilov S., Rogozyan B., Efimenko N., Kaisinova A., Danilov S.


The authors report the results of experimental studies carried out for the characteristic of the physico-chemical properties of the seaweeds from the Anapa region. It was shown that these algae may be regarded as mineralized substrates containing biologically active compounds and exhibiting a weakly alkaline reaction. After storage for half a year, they acquire the composition and properties similar to those of therapeutic sapropel muds from the Lunevskoye deposit. It is concluded that the seaweeds from the Anapa region may be used for the purpose of balneotherapeutic treatment.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):49-51
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The application of the physical factors in combined rehabilitation in the patients suffering from acute disturbances of cerebral circulation (Part 2)

Gerasimenko M., Afoshin S., Gerasimenko M., Afoshin S.


The authors consider the approaches to the substantiation of physiotherapeutic procedures for the treatment of patients presenting with acute disturbances of cerebral circulation. The principal methods of instrumental physiotherapy used for the purpose are described; their influence on the efficacy of the early rehabilitative treatment is estimated. Three time periods are distinguished for the performance of physiotherapeutic procedures including transcerebral electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, laser irradiation, medicamental electrophoresis, the application of supertonic-frequency currents, ultra-high frequency and superhigh-frequency electromagnetic radiation.
Russian Journal of Physiotherapy, Balneology and Rehabilitation. 2011;10(5):52-56
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