The potential of hemolasertherapy for the correction of clinical and functional disturbances in psoriatic patients

  • Authors: Shakhova A.S.1, Kulikov A.G.2, Korsunskaya I.M.3, Shakhova AS4, Kulikov AG5,6, Korsunskaya IM7
  • Affiliations:
    1. ГКБ № 14 им. В. Г. Короленко Департамента здравоохранения Москвы
    2. Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования
    3. Центр теоретических проблем физико-химической фармакологии РАН, Москва
    4. V.G. Korolenko City Clinical Hospital No 14
    5. Moscow Health Department
    6. Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education
    7. The Centre for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Issue: Vol 10, No 5 (2011)
  • Pages: 6-12
  • Section: Articles
  • URL:
  • ID: 41219

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The present study was designed to compare the efficacy of the treatment of 104 patients with psoriasis allocated to three groups, one managed by PUVA therapy, another by intravenous laser irradiation of the blood, and the third by the combination of these two methods. Analysis of the data obtained has demonstrated that inflammatory symptoms of psoriasis rapidly regressed under the influence of laser irradiation while the combination of the two methods further accelerated the regression of infiltrative manifestations. Intravenous laserotherapy stimulated activity of the main antioxidant enzymes in erythrocytes that play an important role in the antioxidative protection of these cells. In contrast, PUVA therapy alone did not cause changes in the antioxidant status of the patients. Thermography revealed lowering of the temperature at the affected skin areas under effect of the treatment in all three groups of the patients, but this effect was reached quicker and was more pronounced after 3-4 seances of laserotherapy than after PUVA therapy. The results of the study indicate that the introduction of intravenous laser irradiation of the blood into the combined treatment of psoriasis not only accelerates regression of the main clinical manifestations of the disease but also exerts beneficial action on microcirculation and disbalance of pro- and antioxidant systems.

About the authors

Anna Sergeevna Shakhova

ГКБ № 14 им. В. Г. Короленко Департамента здравоохранения Москвы

зав. отд-нием физиотер., тел. (499)268-47-47; ГКБ № 14 им. В. Г. Короленко Департамента здравоохранения Москвы

Aleksandr Gennad'evich Kulikov

Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования

зав. каф. физиотер., д-р мед. наук, проф., тел. (495)670-59-08; Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования

Irina Markovna Korsunskaya

Центр теоретических проблем физико-химической фармакологии РАН, Москва

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. лаб. физико-химических и генетических основ дерматологии; Центр теоретических проблем физико-химической фармакологии РАН, Москва

A S Shakhova

V.G. Korolenko City Clinical Hospital No 14

V.G. Korolenko City Clinical Hospital No 14

A G Kulikov

Moscow Health Department; Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

Moscow Health Department; Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education

I M Korsunskaya

The Centre for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences

The Centre for Theoretical Problems of Physico-Chemical Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Sciences


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