Justification for use of selenium-modified mineral water in medical rehabilitation of patients who underwent colon surgery due to malignant tumor (overview)





The article presents the justification for the use of selenium-modified low-mineralized mineral water of Chapaevsk deposit (the Karachay-Cherkess Republic), modified by selenium. It describes its effect on the state of hormonal and immune status, antioxidant system in malignant diseases of digestive organs, prevention of complications, reduction of dose of used medicines, improvement of quality of life of this category of patients.

Conclusion. It is noted that the use of selenium-modified low-mineralized mineral water expands and complements the possibilities of rehabilitation and rehabilitation assistance to patients who have undergone operations on the large intestine in case of malignant neoplasms.


Marat Uzdenov

Medical Institute of North Caucasian State Academy

Email: uzdenov1@rambler.ru
SPIN 代码: 7692-5669


俄罗斯联邦, Cherkessk


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