Experience of dynamic magnetotherapy in neuroreabilitation of patients in intermediate period of light traumatic brain injury





Background. The high prevalence of minor craniocerebral injuries, a decrease in the labor activity of the victims, and disappointing data from long-term forecasts give the problem an important medical and social significance.

Aim. Is to develop a method of sanatorium and spa treatment of patients with the consequences of light traumatic brain injury (LTBI) using radono- and dynamic magnetotherapy.

Methods. Under supervision there were 150 patients in the intermediate period of LTBI at the age of 18 to 55 years old who were included in 3 randomized groups of 50 people in each: the 1st main group (MG1) was prescribed radon baths and magnetotherapy suboccipital; the 2nd MG was prescribed radon baths and magnetic therapy transcranially; the control group (CG) had only radon baths.

Results. The patients of the MG2 had an improvement in brain biolectrogenesis in the form of a statistically significant (p < 0.01) increase in the number of patients with dominant (alpha) rhythm, with diffuse-flattened type of EEG, a decrease in the number of EEG with conditional epileptiform phenomena and diffuse slow wave activity.

There has been detected a statistically significant (p < 0.01) increase in the number of patients with high functional activity of the cerebral cortex; whereas the analysis of EEG data among the patients of MG1 showed a statistically little efficacy in using radon baths and MT of cervical spine for bioelectric brain activity, which was clearly correlated with the physical and mental components of quality of life.

Conclusion. The analysis of the studied data makes it possible to speak about the inclusion of running magnetic field transcranially and suboccipital in the process of neuroreabilitation of patients in the intermediate period of LTBI as a control factor that provides a targeted distribution of the flow of general afferent effects on tropical brain structures.


A. Avanesyan

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Email: kb.adm@skfmba.ru
俄罗斯联邦, 8-2, Trubetskaya street, Moscow, 119992

O. Molyavchikova

Clinical Hospital № 101 ― a branch of FSBI “North Caucasian Federal Scientific Clinical Centre of Federal Medical and Biological Agency”

Email: kb.adm@skfmba.ru


俄罗斯联邦, Lermontov


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