The specific changes in the activity of the antioxidative system of blood under the influence of courses of treatment with the use of mineral water from the Pyatigorsk source modified by nano-scale particles of selenium (an experimental study)




The objective of the present study was to evaluate the influence of the courses of intake of Pyatigorsk spring water characterized by the level of mineralization up to 5.01 g / l (weakly acidic, containing sulfates, bicarbonates, chlorides, calcium, and sodium) modified by nano-scale particles of selenium. The experiments were carried out on 46 male Wistar rats allocated into 6 groups of 8 animals each (1 control group and 5 experimental groups). The animals of the former group were given native drinking mineral water during 21 days while those of the latter ones drank the same water modified by nano-scale particles of selenium added at two doses, either 40 mg / kg or 20 mg / kg. Some animals received water containing dissolved nanoparticles of selenium at the same doses. The parameters measured included the leukocyte blood profile, the level of glutathione peroxidase, and indicators of metabolic stress (aminotransferase and malone dialdehyde levels, i.e. modified oxidized low-density lipoproteins, total protein and glucose levels in blood). It was shown that the levels of malone dialdehyde and modified oxidized low-density lipoproteins did not change in the animals of experimental groups compared with those in the control group. It suggested resistance of lipids to free radical oxidation under the conditions of the course drinking of natural water and the water modified by nano-scale particles of selenium. Native mineral water proved to increase the level of glutathione in blood to above the control values in 50% of the test animals whereas mineral water modified by selenium nanoparticles caused a similar increase in 75% of the experimental animals regardless of the selenium concentration. It is concluded that the enhancement of the activity of the antioxidative system under effect of addition of the selenium nanoparticles into mineral water at the doses of 20mg/kg and 40mg/kg limits the production of organic hydroperoxides. The data obtained can be used to choose the optimal amount of selenium nanoparticles for the introduction into mineral water for the purpose of increasing its biological potential.


Natalia Efimenko

The FSBI Pyatigorsk state scientific and research institute of balneology, FMBA Russia

Honored doctor of the Russian Federation, doctor of medicine, professor, the director of The FSBI For correspondence: PSSRIB, FMBA Russia 357500, Pyatigorsk, Russia

A. Abramtsova

The FSBI Pyatigorsk state scientific and research institute of balneology, FMBA Russia

357500, Pyatigorsk, Russia


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