The osteopathic status and the functional states of the schoolchildren before and after the osteopathic correction




This paper reports the results of the study designed to elucidate the influence of the osteopathic correction on the functional state of the organism of the schoolchildren. A total of 17 adolescents (17 boys and 10 girls) at the mean age of 10.1±0.7 years were available for the examination. The analysis of the data obtained has demonstrated the significant impairment of the functional state of the central nervous system in all these patients. Moreover, the close relationship was documented between the characteristics of the osteopathic state and the functional state of the organism at large. The study revealed the high effectiveness of the osteopathic correction as a tool for the treatment of functional disorders and the diagnostic value of osteopathic parameters. It is concluded that these advantages of the method can be employed for the choice of the optimal modalities for osteopathic diagnostics and health promotion programs. The results of the study give ground to recommend the methods of osteopathic diagnostics and correction of the general functional state for the enhancement of the effectiveness of the rehabilitative treatment in the adolescents presenting with functional disorders.


Victor Matvienko

Federal state budgetary facility “A.A. Vishnevsky Third Central Military Clinical Hospital” Russian Ministry of Defense

Branch No 2 ul. Levoberezhnaya, 5, Moscow

A. Buchnov

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Ya. Mudry Novgorod State University”

ul. Bol’shaya Peterburgskaya, 41, Veliky Novgorod, Russia, 173003

I. Egorova

State budgetary educational institution of higher professional education “Ya. Mudry Novgorod State University”

ul. Bol’shaya Peterburgskaya, 41, Veliky Novgorod, Russia, 173003


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