The role of balneotherapy with the use of drinking mineral waters in the correction of metabolic disorders in the patients presenting with agespecific androgen deficiency




The present article was designed to report the results of the estimation of the effectiveness of the influence of a complex of non-medicamental treatment including balneotherapy with the use of drinking mineral water on the metabolic disorders in the overweight patients presenting with age-specific androgen deficiency. The study has demonstrated the beneficial effect of the treatment on the characteristics of carbohydrate metabolism, insulin resistance, and the blood triglyceride level. The additional positive effects of mineral water were apparent as stimulation of the interstitial-humoral transport and reduced manifestations of endotoxicosis. It was shown that the application of non-medicamental technologies promotes the improvement of blood supply to the issues, stimulates the oxidation-reduction processes and activities of the enzymatic systems involved in protein, lipid, and carbohydrate metabolism. Massage and muscle stimulation improve lymph, blood, and interstitial fluid circulation as well as microelement metabolism. Waters containing copper and zinc ions exert the direct influence on the functioning of the insular apparatus and the activity of the insulin-degrading enzyme systems. Moreover, they exhibit the immunomodulating action, reduce manifestations of endotoxicosis, facilitate the removal of xenobiotics and endotoxins. Thereby, they accelerate normalization of the hormonal balance and decrease the production of androgen antagonists.


E. Suleimenov

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Russian Ministry of Health

121099 Moscow

Irina Kurnikova

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Russian Ministry of Health

121099 Moscow

T. Kochemasova

Federal state budgetary institution “Russian Research Centre for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology”, Russian Ministry of Health

121099 Moscow


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