Physiotherapy and rehabilitation of the patients presenting with coronary heart disease: the scientometric analysis of evidencebased research




This article reports the results of the recent scientometric analysis of evidence-based research and outlines the prospects for their application to the development of the strategy of physiotherapy of coronary heart disease. The objective of the present work was the scientometric analysis of evidence-based research concerning the application of physical therapeutic factors for the treatment of coronary heart disease Results: The authors present the detailed analysis of the clinical effects and potential mechanisms of action of the physical therapeutic factors that find application in the treatment of the patients presenting with coronary heart disease. Special attention is given to evidence-based research concerned with the application of dosed physical exercises, health-promoting gymnastics, and instrumental methods of physiotherapy for the treatment of the patients with various forms of coronary heart disease (CHD).


D. Kovlen

Federal state educational institution of higher professional education “S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy”, Russian Defense Ministry

ul. Akademika Lebedeva, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 190013

Gennadiy Ponomarenko

Federal state educational institution of higher professional education “S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy”, Russian Defense Ministry

ul. Akademika Lebedeva, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 190013


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